
Jesus why do these nerds find it so difficult to let players play the game the way players want? “the attachment that you have to your character” why are you projecting the way you play the game to the way you want everyone to play it?

She went public on the internet with a nuanced take on a subject?! What an absolute fool!

If he was sold the cards due to an honest mistake on the sellers part, why is he as the buyer responsible for enforcing Wizards street date?

I was the nerd being picked on in school and even I want to slap a ‘kick me’ sign on this idiots back. He needs to take his billions and just go away, no one cares what he thinks.

Being a 53 year old adult who’s still mad about getting picked on in high school is just sad.  

“Nobody hates” is the highest if not only possible praise coming from AV Club.

I mean, you could have some self-control and realize that scalpers are only scalpers because people are willing to be scalped. If people would stop giving in to their impulses and stop purchasing from scalpers, then they would go away. In this case you can even still play the game by just buying it digitally, you’re

Nothing deflated my interest more in this game than hearing about “Skill cards” I will never understand the desire to insert deck building/card mechanics in games where it doesn’t belong.

Bullshit. He sold fucking ransomware. The hardware that Team Xecutor sold had software built in that forced you pay a recurring fee or else it would brick your Switch.

The product was Ransomware, which is not mentioned by you. So he is more like a knife salesman selling knives to criminals and then telling said criminals to keep buying his knives or else theyed take all the knives away. you payed the monthly sub or it bricked your switch.

Have you considered instead playing games published by people you support instead of giving free publicity to people you hate?

“If a good movie is successful, people will make bad movies." Is this a joke I'm missing? 

Sounds like a bad way to make money to pay employees

I think my definition of “launch” is different.

Scarlett Johansson in Eight Legged Freaks? You literally say in your own write-up that she already had her breakout role in Ghost World. Plus, The Horse Whisperer was a few years before that.

To be fair I am pretty sure Ryan Reynolds was in 2 Guys a Girl and a Pizza place before Amityville Horror though that may have been his movie debut.

I mean, im sure they didnt have to try very hard. Most anyone who describes themselves as a “Hardcore Gamer (tm)” already sympathizes greatly with right wing authoritarianism.

The quicktime events were the worst part of all of them.

Seems aggressively defensive but ok