Tough shit. Never stop saying it because these people need daily reminders that there’s ALWAYS an agenda, and if you don’t see it, then it’s probably your agenda too.
Tough shit. Never stop saying it because these people need daily reminders that there’s ALWAYS an agenda, and if you don’t see it, then it’s probably your agenda too.
Left Behind flew under the radar which is what lead to giant middle finger r/thelastofus2 gives to Ellie and Dina because according to them, Ellie being a lesbian comes out of nowhere.
I’m sure her recently acquired blood money will help her cope with the snubs.
Because you’re not SUPPOSED to be able to see everything all at once. That’s not the result of a bad UI, that’s the result of an intentional design encounter.
I’ve had a chance to talk to the Devs about Marvel Heroes since the game shut down, and there was so much more going on behind the scenes than people realize.
There’s a difference between fun and good though. GotG2 for example was a fun movie, but was it actually good?
Yeah, this was essentially my reaction too. Though I thoroughly enjoyed Ms Marvel and She-Hulk.
The Good Wife getting another spin off.
Piccolo not only taught Gohan *almost* everything he knows about martial arts, but he practically raised the kid. It wasn’t just when Goku was dead, but also when Goku just didn’t want to be around. Piccolo was more of a father to Gohan than Goku ever was.
Lego Final Fantasy 7. You know what? I might not like the original game, but I would play a Lego game based on it.
It’s an Among Us character with a raging erection, that in itself is a meme. This is not an optical illusion.
In a way you answered your own question. They’re still popular BECAUSE they attract other toxic and/or mentally immature people.
That’s so ludicrous it should be performing with Redman.
Not a kid. Online digital platforms have changed how distribution works. The future is now old man.
I know this has been said before, but I feel it can’t be understated. It is ridiculous that Black Panther 2 had such a long gap between theatrical and home release. It’s almost like they wanted people to forget it existed what with Antman 3 right around the corner.
Gamers™ will latch on to any reason to get pissed off. ESPECIALLY fans of The Last of Us.
I think it would be too soon for Abby because the only way that story worked was with the time jump, and the actress playing Ellie just isn’t old enough yet.
I have to say the total lack of self awareness on the part of Fox News has reached a new astronomical level here.
If it makes you feel better, it looks like the screenshots come from the store page.
You know it’s bad when even Baby Billy isn’t having any.