
Like with many of these kinds of movements, it might’ve started out with pure intentions.  But it took all of 5 minutes for it to evolve into something hateful, and any of the legitimate issues they bring up is just rhetoric to hide behind.

It’s easy to remember most of these guys like to act tough online, but the moment they face any real resistance to their Alpha Male act in real life, they crumble.  Most, but not all, unfortunately.

You forgot to add “but still knows how to perfectly sexually pleasure me” after “virginal”.

And then they double down by saying “a key that can open many locks is a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock”.  And like, do you hear yourself say these things?  Have you ever had sex you haven’t had to pay for?

I’m always careful to use male whenever I feel I also have to use female instead of woman.

Description from the Steam page.  Kind of ironic considering the dev understands nothing about psychology OR philosophy.  But name a better duo than being wildly uneducated and being an MRA.

Yup, masturbatory fantasies that give them the excuse to murder people under the guise of “morals no longer exist, only survival”.

If you played it like that at launch, then no you didn’t have to dig because those options didn’t exist yet.  HOWEVER, you’re missing the point.  That being Ubisoft did design the game to steer the player towards a lethal GTA style of play.  I never said you COULDN’T play it non-lethal, only that it was not the

No, it wasn’t intended. The base game gives you a stun gun, then strongly suggests you fall back on a 3D printed assault rifle as your primary weapon. More non-lethal weapons weren’t added until AFTER the game released. Expecting the player to dig (and you do have to dig) to find non-lethal weapons means it was never

When the game was released there was 1 non-lethal weapon.  The DLC added 2 more (a paintball gun and a grenade launcher that fires stun grenades).  There are absolutely NOT “ten different kinds of tranq guns”.

While the first season was rough.  I feel Titans really improved in the second season.  It was less serious, less edgy, and leaned a bit more into the comic camp.  

Here’s a thing you don’t want to think too hard about.  According to JK’s own work it’s ok to magically roofie someone.  

Isn’t this one of the sites that pushes “drop the lore in favor of the rule of cool”?  This seems like a very clear example of not letting the world building get in the way of letting players have fun.  

Or WD2 where you set out to prove an algorithm that you’re not a murdering psychopath by becoming a murdering psychopath. Or at least that’s the way the game wants you to play it.

So the Dark Knight should’ve been an hour long?  Less when you take end credits into consideration.

Too late.  I recently finished a rewatch of the series for the first time since it ended, and if I took a drink everytime I called Ted “a piece of shit”, I would’ve died from alcohol poisoning.

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But this is the same company that felt jumping into Justice League and playing the Doomsday card after 2 Superman movies (which at the time represented the entirety of the DCEU) was the best approach.

It’s still going forward because it’s their in-universe explanation of why all the DC movies will be different in the near future.

I actually expected Cartoon Network to just drop the show altogether.

I saw that, was confused, looked it up to get the whole picture.  Then sat back and watched all the angry nerds take it completely out of context to support their anger.