ARCA at Daytona. Get me a halfway decent ride in that and enough money for tires and fuel and I think I could have a shot.
ARCA at Daytona. Get me a halfway decent ride in that and enough money for tires and fuel and I think I could have a shot.
Yeah pretty much. The monthly payment on the solar is basically what my power bill was on average, but figuring electricity rates will likely climb and that’s locked in I think we’ll come ahead. My wife and I also don’t plan on moving any time soon, so the long term investment is actually something factored in.
*Glances up at the solar panels on my roof*
I don’t know what the big deal is. - EV Driver
Man, I really wish we had gotten the 335d wagon.
Here’s a great active safety system!*
The Malibu Maxx SS of course. Closely followed by the Cobalt SS N/A that was actually a thing.
I am all for a Dan Brown novel revolving around internet lore.
Its so weird to me how much pull it has even for non-native companies. Take the last gen Chevy Sonic/Aveo. Designed in Korea and ported into America. It sold at its peak over 90k units per year in the US.
Panther platform anything.
Or just find a local farmer and buy eggs from them. Normal going rate will be $3-5 per dozen, so pretty much the same price as eggs from the store.
I mean Goodyear does it weekly for about 1000' each time. When you’re not concerned about cornering it helps I’m sure.
Nah, it needs to be a Jeep.
I’ve done this with just cold brew concentrate and Sodastream water. Works great!
It doesn’t seem like it does, however they did post a video with the carburetor on another (full size) engine running on a stand, so the hand built micro-carburetors are completely functional.
I remember when I had my first warheads as an adult after probably 15 years not having one. I grabbed a black cherry thinking “yeah these used to be pretty bad, but my taste buds have hardened a bit since then, it can’t be THAT bad.”
Which is funny, because when I moved down here from up north, I was amazed at how integrated this area is.
Max Volume at Startup. Chevy has had this for a few years at least but it is absolutely incredible and should be mandatory. Rocking out on your ride home with the radio cranked? The next time you go to start the car you won’t be blasted by the volume still being up.
Yeah its not just Starbucks. My 2 year old has had a milk allergy since birth (wife had to avoid dairy while feeding, dairy free formulas, etc) so when he started drinking milk we decided to go with Oat milk since it seemed to check all the boxes. However, with it constantly being more prevalent in stores, its still…
Funny thing is, you’d expect manufacturers to start making lower power EVs at some point (you know, in the normal-ish 200-300 hp range) but in reality they can get much more regen performance using these higher power motors so there’s no sense in building a smaller version IMO.