
“Brent Weiss, CFP and cofounder of Facet Wealth, said that when people don’t start using credit because they’re afraid of getting in debt, they can end up at a scoring and history disadvantage.... 

They don’t have to share it in the form of taxes to pay for public services like the rest of us.”

real question, whats the best response to people who can’t understand why this “is worse than a flu” ect. I say this as its becoming increasingly common for people to drastically down play the problems (and by proxy I’d assume ignore recommended steps of protection), as many of us aren’t worried about getting sick

I keep wondering if this sellout is as real as people seem to think it is. My annoying schedule has me in 3 towns weekly that are relatively far apart and granted, the Target and the grocery store were both sold out, but Staples, Best Buy and the dollar store all had some. So did a gas station near me. I already have

You’re kidding, right?

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

It’s sort of like the snowball effect: Since you’re being charged less interest, you might find your motivation boosted by seeing your balance go down quicker. And if you’ve been in debt for some time, it’s likely you won’t pay it off in one fell swoop. Making a dent in your debt now means you’ll spend less when/if

Just cancel the whole dang thing. You know for the dogs.

Absolutely. This article shouldn’t even leave the question open ended, due to the liabilities around it. I like my neighbors, but I have some friends that I wouldn’t even trust with a $10 bill.

I turned on guest wifi during Thanksgiving and a few days later my internet was shut off. My ISP got hit with a cease and desist from Viacom. Apparently someone torrented a movie and didn’t have the sense to use a VPN. I had to digital sign a “I pinky swear to never ever do it again” before they’d turn my internet

you’re not wrong. watch, im taking names and gender out.

I’m gonna lean on the side of caution. If you don’t know what you are doing, then you could open yourself up to a whole lotta technical risk. For the sake this line of discussion, let’s completely ignore the Acceptable Use discussion.

kind of fucked up buttigeig is higher up than bernie is, did you forget he doesnt give a shit about the poc in his small indiana town?

Hell to the no. 100% no. Most people don’t know how to lock down their computers and networks properly or set up a QOS that is worth a damn. Neighbor’s partner is a photography freak and is uploading 100+ uncompressed pictures a day to Facebook while you’re in the middle of a gaming session and now you’re a

I have heard that too about dental and vision. It would sure come in handy this month as I have to get a crown replaced. Totally out of pocket. Ouch!

More like “way more people die of flu, and you don’t see people buying masks for that.” They don’t work, and fear isn’t logical. 

Translation: “The flu kills lots of people. So don’t worry about this other different disease that kills people too.”

I feel like people underestimate cleaning the dust from their tower. Most any time I experience issues, it’s from my system overheating, likely because of dust and cat hair. Fan making noise? Dirty. Graphics tearing? GPU fan is dirty.

Keep it clean!