
Lol. That's one stone cold asshole cat.

Ugh. I really wanted to like Bill Maher. He seemed like a less cuddly version of Jon Stewart at first. Then I found out he's an anti-vaxxer. And now this bullshit. Guess he's never joining Stewart and Anderson Cooper on my sexy silver fox list.



Omg he's so adorably ugly and awkward! He's me in middle school!

On a side note, this definitely confirms I have that brain parasite that makes me love cats...

I've found that it is physically impossible for me to watch this video without hearing NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM in my head. Should I be worried?


I read this way literally at first. Embarrassing...

Ooooo, I definitely will, thanks! I've always been partial to Sage, but I'm trying to expand my vegan horizons. :)

Yeah, it's very hard to find someone who changes their reaction to vegetarianism from fear to thoughtfulness. In my experience, people are either remarkably understanding and have thought they should go pescatarian/vegetarian/vegan themselves, or they mock my choices and "jokingly" try to get me to eat meat.

Oh my god, yes. Seriously, I come from a hunting family in the midwest, and being even pescetarian is treated like being in some kind of hokey cult. This even comes from relatives who believe in ear candling and worship Disneyland. I can't even skip the turkey tray without hearing "jokes" about not eating meat.


We named our Roomba Roy Rogers. He roams the land looking for tumbleweeds. He lost an eye in a Mexican standoff.

Julia should get an award just for the way she says "fuck" on Veep. She makes me want to swear more!

God bless Bradley Cooper for keeping this from being taken in portrait.

OH MY GOD YOU READ MY MIND. Just seconds ago, I was ogling her and thought, "Damn, she looks good in yellow. And blue. And orange. And....good god, is there a color that she doesn't look amazing in?" #swoon

Damn. "...the far away gatekeepers of beauty"? She's my new favorite poet.

I'm a fan of conflicted emoticons. My personal favorite is ;(. Suggestive...but sad about it? I have yet to find an appropriate time to use said emoticon, but not for lack of trying.


I think it's important not to lump every guy who hates Skylar into one woman-hating group. I think that the first few seasons of Breaking Bad made it incredibly hard to empathize with Skylar, actually. Nearly all of her difficulties stemmed from not knowing what the audience already knew, and as a result, to put