This has got to be the snarkiest NPOCP in a long time.
I'm just going to leave this riiiiiight here...
I get an email every time someone replies to me.. so thats how I deal with it. #oppositelock
We've got XRS and AWD in Canada. You can have them, we don't want them.
I wouldn't really call a Matrix a wagon any more than I would call a Suzuki SX4 or a Dodge Caliber a wagon...
What's even more stunning is the .0 at the end of the trip meter. If he was off by .1 of a mile, the whole thing would be a wash.
The all new customizable BMW X3 has 3,000 horsepower?!?!
Gah. This is such a clusterfuck.
Good question.
Are you sure? That looks an awful lot like the new Jetta.
@Dan820: Jalopnik fails at photography. This is fact.
I'm not hating, but one area where Autoblog really has you guys beat is the photography in their reviews. Their car photos are gorgeous.
@DrGonzho: 4,735 lb.
@DAP86: You thought wrong.
I'm sure I'll be exiled for saying this, but I don't feel bad.