
For all we know he saw it and said “cool boat” 1-click purchase on some kind of rich people’s Amazon website.

Let’s not stoop to their level, OK? Making fun of a person’s physical appearance is the most immature thing you can do. Let’s keep that only something that people like Trump do.

The badge is fine, but the placement sucks:

Are we gonna talk about the North kid chucking the ball at an East kid at 15 seconds in the 2nd video?

I recommend not trying.

Could be - but I take issue with the “vulnerable young girls” phrase. For one, women attend college, not “young girls.” For another, sexual harassment and assault doesn’t necessarily coincide with vulnerability. It has more to do with guys being creepy and overstepping basic social boundaries than women being helpless.

Rogen is also happily married and made a very moving speech about Alzheimers disease to the congress. His wife’s mother has early onset Alzheimers. He just seems to be more of a mench than Franco and Apatow, he seems to have grown up, whereas they haven’t

I know you’re being sarcastic but it actually does check out. Their is no question Michelle Williams is the better actor but like it or not Mark Wahlberg has been in 12 movies that grossed over 100 million dollars, Michelle Williams has been in two. It makes since that his negotiating power is stronger then hers. Of

Buster Dog and his Exposed Butthole (tm) feels these comments on the cold and snow are valid and without exaggeration.

My thoughts on this are that if you don’t have enough gas to make it clear through NJ without stopping, you done fucked up.

If we weren’t all delusional about our prospects we’d never talk to anyone. If you want proof, just study pre-reddit nerds, shuffling along quietly reading fantasy novels and contemplating suicide.

Just hire the guy in the green shirt to catch them and throw them back into the street. Aside from being one cool customer, he appears to be about the size of his opponent.

Okay, Dan missed a point that people who work in child psychology are familiar with. Human beings are programmed not to re-ingest their own bodily fluids. Once a fluid has been expelled there is an instinctive aversion to reclaiming it, likely as a result of an evolutionary survival advantage for our ancestors who

Believe it or not, she is a prodigy and had a good job working as an editor and writer at 17 when she started at Rookie, so I guess we should ALL die.

Leave Hazel alone! She’s a teen!

The problem is: why use bombers at all. It’s stupid. Every one of those bombs could have been fitted with thrusters or the bombers remotely operated... Just launch them towards the fleet and let momentum do the rest. Why are they using tech that was already outdated in our WW2 in space? Our bombs are guided for fuck

ALL THE STARS. Although I will say that perhaps the electromagnets propel the bombs at a faster rate than the standard artificial gravity would allow. But yeah, saying “Bombs can’t fall in space!” does not make you look intelligent.

The bombers don’t need an explanation. The interior of the bombers possess some form of artificial gravity, as evidenced by Paige and the release button falling. When the bombs are released, they will also fall until they pass through the force field that was containing the atmosphere in the ship. At that point,

Don’t listen to Patrick. Tell her your relationship is at an end if she doesn’t quit. If she refuses to quit, respect her decision and move on. As hard as that may be, you’ll be happier in the long run and the children will be happier as well.

Don’t forget to drill down