How does being anti-socialist make you a Nazi? The first problem is that Nazi is literally an abbreviation of “national socialist.” Plenty of socialist policy positions in Nazism and fascism in general.
How does being anti-socialist make you a Nazi? The first problem is that Nazi is literally an abbreviation of “national socialist.” Plenty of socialist policy positions in Nazism and fascism in general.
Supposedly because the Patriot Front people protested for 5 minutes and no one took any good photos. I saw a few snaps of the Staples Plaza thing, but nothing really worthy of hitting the AP wire.
Because you bought a pair of boots, not a lifetime subscription to boots forever?
But there’s plenty of people on the US Olympic team with more medals, so he’d lose by that merit measure as well.
Why would you even claim something so obviously wrong? Offensive, provocative speech is practically the entire point of free speech protections. What other speech would need protection? This isn’t a government-citizen scenario, so the actual 1st Amendment doesn’t play into it, but from a legal perspective the types of…
“If the teacher doesn’t respect my opinion, it’s not worth learning from him.” You’re in class at least in part because your opinion is uninformed, whereas the teacher is an expert working to rectify your ignorance. This attitude of the teacher better let me teach him a thing or two is very strange.
The victim’s testimony does count, don’t overstate the problem. It just doesn’t count any more than the testimony of the accused.
Picasso? She thinks museums should what, destroy their Picasso works?
“Glamorize stupidity” is probably 50% of television programming in the entire world. You probably don’t watch much TV, because the niche for the rigidly self-righteous is limited to a couple of boring Christian channels.
Solid prediction. They all got fired.
Sure. If you need a seeing-eye-dog, or you are a veteran with neurological trauma, then OK. But even then, peacock? No. There’s no seeing eye peacock. You can have a dog. A nice one, that’s very well trained and generally friendly.
Ok, thanks for taking the time to post a long-delayed reply even though I’m sure you literally cannot even.
A federal ban on how states and localities use their their taxing power. All other things aside, that seems like it would get shut down by federal courts in a hurry.
Exactly the right outline of the dilemma here.
What it should turn on, for me, is whether the people get paid a wage that assumes they make the majority of their income on tips (like waitstaff) or get paid a regular wage (like kitchen staff). I never the answer to that question, though, so I always worry. Probably safer just to tip.
When you say “literally” and follow it with something that is an obvious exaggeration...
It sounds like a shitty ‘job’ to me. But I don’t know how she can really complain (except pretend complain, to get more subs) since she has profited vastly more off the controversy than she would have from a free hotel room for a night or two.
“they started it!”
Because Bezos is rich, people at the Post should make more money. Not because they have competing better offers, or because their wages are out of sync with market rates for the work they do, or even because the business is so amazingly profitable due to their work that they should share in it.
The Organa family was a royal family on Alderaan; her “princess” title is due to being Leia Organa.