God forbid you should ever do anything genuinely wrong in your life, Bobby, because you certainly won’t allow yourself any second chances. Right?
God forbid you should ever do anything genuinely wrong in your life, Bobby, because you certainly won’t allow yourself any second chances. Right?
Ok. Are your wages and the wages of your coworkers posted publicly? Or does that intrusive “transparency” only apply to famous people? What if Netflix decides that, actually, the number of people who care about that is insignificant, so there’s no business risk in not being transparent? If it’s just about profitably…
No more liberties than anyone else reading it the other way. My guess is King is probably more on target than the Areyoulistening teacher gives him credit for, but there are no facts to support that guess as being any more likely than his/hers.
Your analogies are laughably terrible. Consider a different rhetorical device.
No one pays Chris Rock or Kevin Hart or The Rock a fucking dime, either.
They own estates, like the Duchy of Cornwall, that generate millions of dollars a year in income. Because they’ve owned some of these estates for centuries, some would argue that they should actually belong to the public. But in British law, many of them (even many of the Queen’s residences) belong personally to…
Why should Netflix be transparent? Their job is to pay the lowest market price for content that people will like. They aren’t running an egalitarian social club or a utopian society, it’s a fucking business.
So, facts - Trainwreck made 140m. Amy Schumer’s had comedy shows and comedy specials before that have earned tons of cash. Mo’Nique’s ensemble “comeback” movie, Precious, earned $60m. That’s by far the highest profile and most successful thing she’s been associated with in ages, and Amy Schumer also wrote Trainwreck.…
The conversation is about deflection, not about center strikes directly to the heart.
I guess if there’s an implicit understanding (or supposed to be) that a morning chat show is informal, friendly and non-threatening, then it’s fair to argue Kelly transgressed. I don’t know the timeline of Fonda’s plastic surgery, although I’d be surprised if a facelift 8 years ago is the only work she’s ever had…
Ok, fair enough.
So because it’s a PR visit as part of a promotional tour, Megyn should be a good soldier and only ask the questions Fonda wants to answer? I don’t even like Kelly (or Fonda!), but the parade of people so upset that she asked about Fonda’s plastic surgery are seriously out on a ledge here.
I love how vicious you are to Megyn Kelly when she’s not standing right in front of you giving you a hug. In person you’re a fanboy, but behind keyboard armor you’re her harshest critic?
Trump’s ICE can’t even get its own priorities straight, deporting white European doctors now?
What’s the big deal? The problem is that Michelle didn’t get paid anything, not that Mark Wahlberg got paid something to work.
Holy shit. You are seriously dense. Your lawyer must be a fucking saint. No wonder you are spending so much time being sued. You failed commenter jujitsu 101; barfing out long paragraphs of bullshit on topics you can’t grasp is an amateur mistake, and lacking the sack to admit your ignorance is pretty much a standard…
I love that you say THEY MUST BE PAID! and then when everyone points out how fucking obviously stupid that is you change it to THE CLIENT MUST KNOW HOW THE LAWYER IS BEING PAID, IF HE OR SHE IS BEING PAID. Can you really not see how those are different claims? Before you say that wasn’t what you claimed, I actually…
No, I’ll quote what you said so you can’t ‘re-imagine it’ later like you have some of your other claims: “Don’t the rules of conduct for lawyers make you work either under a contingency fee or under a written contract for services (i.e., hourly) that requires payment?” Absolutely the answer is no. Not charging a client…
I’m not sure why these other people continue to debate with you. You’ve made about 5 different assumptions that turned out to be blatantly wrong. You didn’t even realize that attorneys working without charging a client (pro bono) was allowed, let alone the contours of how it works in these cases. You clearly both have…
Three comments ago you said you thought pro bono work was impossible because it was unethical. Now you are making declarations about what pro bono is and isn’t? What business do you own? I want to make sure I never go anywhere near it. You obviously have an undeservedly high impression of your own competence and I…