Avohkah Tamer

Looking at the RIM invite mentioning "Steve the IT guy" got me thinking.

Wait, seriously? I didn't hear about that.

You can also do this with Dropbox using your Public folder. Just place the HTML file and assets in Public or a subfolder, right click the HTML file, and click Copy Public Link.

They really should have kept the Wi-Fi capability... The wireless hardware necessary is cheap and wouldn't take up much space inside the unit.

For iOS devices without a cellular data plan to stream via other apps, this is actually a really interesting idea. At $100, though, not really worth it at all. I could see buying one of those for maybe half that.

Actually, since the leak earlier this year, Dropbox has significantly improved their security practices.

Waiting for the followup Darkside article "The Unlikely Places Lifehacker Readers Might Hide Valuables in Their Homes". You know, for educational purposes.

Commenters, be honest, how many of you had a brief, serious thought cross your mind about potentially moving to Kansas City? I know I did.

A friend of mine threw this together for a humorous blog entry once. I think it turned out pretty great.

The entire reason 48fps will seem "weird" or "cheap" is entirely because everyone got used to 24fps in films made over the last few decades. It sure would be nice if 48 (or higher) became the new standard so that everyone could get used to that instead.

In my state, local area, and even circle of friends and co-workers, I am very much in the minority in my political opinion. Unfortunately, my office is a small and open one, so I have no way to dodge co-workers. I've tried the headphones trick, conversational distraction tactics, and tried asking to work from home for

Man, I used to think Mike Fahey was a pretty cool guy, and then he went ahead and said... that.

Comcast Business Class in Illinois here. I had an outage for about 5 minutes at 1pm Central time, but it came back.

I don't plan to upgrade my personal computer to Windows 8 anytime soon, since I don't see anything I need that Windows 7 doesn't already have. However, as an IT support technician, I will need to become fully acquainted with every aspect of Windows 8 in order to help troubleshoot inevitable problems going forward.

Question for the commenters: (this is a little off-topic, but I've been meaning to ask)

That's probably not enough proof of your identity... You may want to include your SSN and a scan of your driver's license just to be safe.

So these are just light bulbs you can remote control with a smartphone over Wi-Fi?

I've had my GW530A for a few years now. For what it cost (I believe just $60), it's been a pretty amazing watch for me. Recharges itself, sets itself, the display has exactly whatever I might want to know at a glance (Time including seconds, month, day, day of week). When this thing dies someday, I'll be getting

It's short for "Mascara Parade."