Avohkah Tamer

If we're talking about my personal family, they're actually trained fairly well and I rarely (if ever) have to fix stuff like that on their computers, so I'm not complaining about them. I'm talking about uneducated computer users in general (which mostly includes older adults, but not always).

Oh, trust me, average computer users find ways to get infected even without porn sites. Your mother must be a fairly light web user who mostly sticks around a select few sites. It's when they start to get adventurous and think that every website is [thingIwant]​.com, or start clicking alluring advertisements (Another

What reason? Two words: Less malware.

I'm somewhat divided on this news. On the one hand, Chrome is of course a better, more secure browser than IE, and consumers are much safer for using it. On the other hand, Google wouldn't be on the top if it weren't for their slightly evil advertising methods.

Honestly, I think what spurred this "mid-summer" change is specifically the impending summer release of the SGS3 and (probably) the iPhone 5. Getting rid of unlimited data just on time for two sure-to-be very popular phones is, on paper anyways, a smart move for them.

Yeah, they'll only kick you off your unlimited data if you go on a contract AND upgrade a phone with 4G via the subsidized contract pricing. As long as you're not on a contract, you should be fine. For now, anyways.

She obviously thought you performed some sort of witchcraft on her, and was attempting to beat the devil out of you. Don't worry, sooner or later she'll see the light (literally) and realize how much better her life is now.

Ironic profile picture, heh.

Replying to approve comment. (Dang, I wish the approve button worked)

White star just means you have no star yet. The white one doesn't show up for other people looking at your name (like how you can't see it on other non-starred commenters).

Well, I'm thinking the problem is I'm not holding it the right way. I can still move my eyeball, and I still notice the usual slight involuntary eye twitches preventing it from working. I just need to know how I'm supposed to position my fingers to get it to work.

Now playing

Wait a second... Why hasn't anyone posted this song in the comments yet?!

I honestly can't get this to work at all, I assume because I'm not positioning my fingers right. Anyone want to take a webcam photo of how I should be doing it?

Bravo, just bravo.

I hope they release full details on this soon. I absolutely need to know how this will affect people who are intentionally out-of-contract, who buy an unsubsidized phone with 4G.

If I can know for absolutely certain that I can just stay off-contract and keep my unlimited data even after activating an LTE phone, then I'll grin and bear it and just buy a 4G phone unsubsidized.

I'm not actually on a contract, I'm paying month-per-month (Because I was waiting to get a subsidized price phone with 4G on contract this summer). That probably means they're going to kill my unlimited data the second this hits.

"The latency-reducing technology in GeForce GRID GPUs compensates for the distance in the network, so gamers will feel like they are playing on a gaming supercomputer located in the same room."