We're saddened when the LEGO brand is used as a tool in any dispute between organizations.
We're saddened when the LEGO brand is used as a tool in any dispute between organizations.
Do you know that the vast majority of people do not know that plastic comes from oil? I guess they figure its either if its its just springs from a lab somewhere with no raw materials needed.
Reminds me of the classic Little Computer People.
Street Fighter II had both a robust number of possible actions as well as incredible responsiveness. The combination allowed for actual EXPRESSION rather than just route memorization of enemy moves and a limited amount of responses available that dominated games of the era.
Old enough to remember when every video game console was an "Atari".
Great answer. Sid Myers, even though for mostly one game (but one that is so important to the history of games that its OK). Shigeru Miyamoto clearly.
What's fascinating is that the smallest of tweaks to the FPS formula can end up being some of the most innovative game play developments - ie Portal and this.
Nintendo's dependance on tradition is both its strongest asset and its biggest weakness. There are few companies that can boast the cultural cache that N has with not just the characters, but whole genre's like kart and brawl were both invented and perfected by them and no one else can even approach.
My EGM sub never ran out - they kept sending it until I moved. Three to four years after the one I paid for. I suspect they did this to keep their circulation numbers high, I loved it!
Funny, I always thought the four (4!) controller ports on the N64 always looked like a Vette's four tail lights.
Asian RDJ didn't know what he was getting into, but this summer Asian Sarah Silverman is making him make a commitment - to LAUGH!
You should be asking Silas Warner instead...
Sounds better than WOW's wack-a-mole healing and debuffing. Or worse, being a caster and spaming a single spell over and over. Run to this spot 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, now to this one 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 cooldown's up 2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1....
Anyone overly protective enough to install this Goldbergian monstrosity in their car is probably not going to need it - the would notice the Baby Bjorn was empty before it got too hot.
Someone should probably tell him this isn't really happening. Also, probably a better actor than Edward Furlong, certainly better at stopping nukes from dropping.
I think its pretty funny, I'm sure a lot of the marketing people do too.
Wait, isn't all climate wackiness easily explained by overly simplistic Anthropocentric and ridiculously short-sighted conclusions?!?
The Icarus I & II from Sunshine?
"Get cool, get wet, get wild, go bananas! ...off the San Pedro exit"