Thank goodness this naming controversy doesn’t look like it will derail the new gaming console I’m marketing, the PlaeyStation 4.
Thank goodness this naming controversy doesn’t look like it will derail the new gaming console I’m marketing, the PlaeyStation 4.
“Smallville Victims Unit”
Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:
She is the Anti-Lorde.
EXACTLY BRUH! It amazes me we have ACTUAL Americans literally trying to hoist these guy as some sort of hero. It’s a shame that we have to experience this trash on top of having to hear about how BLM are terrorist or why are women marching in Washington. It’s like sensory overload of ignorance. THE ONLY GOOD thing…
People tend to ignore anyone who tries to insert a dose of reality into their projects. That tends to exclude anyone with significant experience. They’d rather keep going forward oblivious to the shortcomings so they can continue to blow smoke up everyone’s ass.
I almost thought it was Adventure Time.
Mastress. Make it happen.
Sometimes you just want to mindlessly blast stuff. Sneak levels and complicated gameplay have their place, but sometimes kill the pace.
The real secret is go to Popeyes instead of KFC.
Opinion from brazilian football fan:
Neymar has been on the spotlight since he’s been like, 15 years old.
Coming from Santos’ youth program, he’s always been an unfair criticism lightning rod for either playing well and embarrassing his opponents, or taking advantage of the physical game teams play against him trying to…
The only thing better than this article are the mansplainy comments. #blessyourheart
more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.
Another horrible example for America’s youth, when will people finally learn to hold their phone properly while shooting video? smdh
To be fair, a lot of my esteemed countrymen don’t know jack shit about U.S. history either.
I can understand the confusion. Ecclestone also has a particular set of skills; I’m just not sure how swearing at and giving the double finger to the press will help him get his family back.
Yes there are. The idea that a city has to build every facility from the ground up is totally assanine. The idea that the games has to be consolidated into one place is assanine. There are facilities ready to go across the US that can host the games adequately with no need for new construction. Same with many other…
As a High School teacher - I call bullshit on that. Yeah, they know a lot about history - if they have their phone and google handy. Take that away, they don't know much beyond what happened last week.