Thankfully no universal laws were broken. Carry on.
Thankfully no universal laws were broken. Carry on.
I played Lifeless Planet about two months ago and loved the wandering across it’s very detailed and varied terrain. This seems like 1000x that. I’m in fear of it.
Thankfully nothing was hidden in or around Tikrit, Mosul, Nimrud...
I’ve been listening to his renditions all afternoon. The challenges are different, but know you are a warrior, Orb. Thanks for the inspiration.
Well, it packed more emotion than the real thing.
Capitalist pigs, how dare you insult our glorious leader? Of course his divine hairdo is kept from the wind by his helmet. Rebel media is biased and will soon be crushed.
Not sure what “edited for Japan” means... crazy or awesomer?
Here's what possibly did go wrong
Does NATO or for the matter anyone, needs to rely on ground-sea stations for missile tracking? Isn't a geosync satellite(s) better?
But it's their suffering which make the articles valuable!
Irony, man. He/she is implying is that within "asian" there are a number of variations beyond the slanted eyes. As of mixed origin, I'm there: kind of asiatic.
I don't have a credit card, cut it 5 years ago. I only use cash, but have debit card for Internet buys. Paid all my biggest debts too, now and then the need stirs, but it has been tamed.
Carrying your music everywhere instead of sitting by the stereo was weird, land lines seem awkward now, non-hd tv looks unfocused.... everything will pass, it's not The End, but The Starts.
I don't watch either on regular basis, but acknowledge their respective cultural importance(s).
I rather be known as the voice of reason, thanks.
Quick one: Mechanical keyboard, user complains she can't press M, while N randomly responds. I pulled M and found a mint, underneath N there was a roach which seemingly died while munching the mint.
The man is old, fighting for fighting sake becomes mote.