Automatik Fantastik

That’s a big opportunity for drone delivery.

That’s a big opportunity for drone delivery.

Cabin Pressure fan?

“Please slide your insults under the flight deck door.”

Tip the air marshal too!

I see the arguments, but most of them are based on a “best case scenario” for using payday loans, and I don’t think that’s how they end up working in practice. For example:

Worked fine for brazil

How about installing a toilet in every room, so you just trow your garbage in the water and flush it away.

Most people I associate with are not so relaxed about not being able to listen to certain tracks again. The risk of never hearing a song again is usually the reason to download a track. I guess people have different amounts of emotional attachment to music.

Yep,I quit caring about owning music prob late 90's. Just didn’t care to have the clutter.

Couldn’t you build a little rail system, so it was basically a rollercoaster then a pulley so you could pull it back up to the house? Wouldn’t be that expensive

A Smart Garbage can that takes the garbage out without any human intervention.

I’ll say it in my native Portuguese: “Eba!!!!” Thank you! :)

Welcome to the nongrays

I was very pleased - and surprised - to see my reply among the chosen ones. Does it mean I’ll get to be ungreyed henceforth?

I enjoy your articles because they are so well researched. I would like to share with you a site I start my day with because it’s so inspiring and informative.

Netflix, Amazon Prime, and, lately, Blue Apron. We wanted to try it out and see if it helped us cook at home more. It did! During our Blue Apron months, we’ve spent more on groceries but less on dining out, which was the goal. Still, it’s kind of expensive, and I think we could do the same thing for less by just

That’s some Paranormal Activity shit right there.

This is kind of a side point, but:

Came here for this .gif and now I’m happy.

“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” - Terry Pratchett