Automatik Fantastik

This is nothing. You want hard-core coding? Try the On-board Shuttle Group at JSC: their shuttle software clocked in at just over 400,000 lines of code and the last three versions have ONLY EVER had ONE ERROR each.

Margaret Hamilton standing next to the code that ran the lunar lander for the Apollo Program. She is credited with saving the mission because,

this is literally the best thing I’ve seen in a while.

I like you.

Never heard that statement before, interesting. Seems like a lot of people cite finding resourceful connections as what helped them recover, but yeah, not everyone is so lucky. As someone else mentioned, there are programs out there, but it might not be as simple as we assume it is to find them and get started?

On iOS, you don’t need a back button... Just swipe the screen from the left edge, and you go back.. And it works on 99% of screens.. Magic!

iOS has the swipe-from-the-edge gesture for going back. Much preferred over a back button.

I’ll say I was close to going from Android to Apple because of the inconsistency of system updates across Android devices (even then, manufacturers and carriers get their mitts on them and mess them up...when you eventually get them...if you do...). I can’t stand Apple’s level of control on the OS, though, plus how

Someone probably already posted this but iOS notification panel widgets are essentially the equivalent to desktop widgets in android. even better imo because it’s accessible anywhere in the OS while you have to back out into the launcher to access widgets in Android.

I’ve actually grown to like the iOS way of edge swipes to go back a page. Yes, there’s still a back button on the top left corner, but you can usually edge swipe to go back

I agree that iOS’s back button on the upper left is a pain if you have small hands but iOS dev’s are good at supporting the left swipe gesture that does the same thing. You essentially get a back button that’s the entire length of the left edge. very easy to use. I personally don’t like the system wide back button in

Plus, Google apps and connectivity. You never know when Apple will throw a fit and degrade or disallow Google

I love nightmares. It’s like living in a horror movie. Although, last night’s was weird. I was Jewish during a Nazi invasion, got shot, pretended to be dead (I’m not Jewish), and then it would fast forward a decade at a time and I’d have to tell my story to someone. Then time started going backwards in a ballroom

Well, we considered writing an article that just said “Never use computers” and then closing down the entire site, but then we’d have to hunt for new jobs, and that’s such a hassle.

In that case, please enjoy this complimentary GIF, my good sir!

grab sks go innawoods dude

2spoopy for dis erf. Cry evrytym.

And for the Russians to make a surprisingly durable, yet completely unsafe one out of shit.

I’m so glad you brought up the Apple charging cable fiasco. I was denied replacement when a cable stopped working because you could see the wire through the plastic outer coating. The logic of the store manager was that if I’d brought it in for replacement while it still worked, they would have replaced it under