Automatik Fantastik

I totally read it as “O.S. versus El Capitan and Yosnine”. Not a fair fight.

The Swiss declined to participate the battle but will gladly hold the money from any party in the competition.

Looks a lot like the novel Ready Player One and I’m happy about it.

Dude, you’re late in the game. Just delete your MP3 folder and sign up for any music service. You only still use MP3 because for you it feels like a precious stamp collection that you have been working since 1998. I know it’s a sad moment, but you gotta move on. I just threw away all my X-Files VHS recordings from the

Is this card blue or..... gold with white?

Perhaps this: make mechanisms against lobbying BUT allow innovation and experimentation.

US allow some things (that should be banned) because of lobby;

There’s ONE revolution per decade:

Also, no need to fancy drinks, it’s only the leg and arm space that we need, for the sake of our knees!

That’s the greatest lie on those pictures. Nobody produces anything on a clean desk.

I tried Yahoo Pipes for a few months in the past. I just figured out that it was better to just visit the sites, specially after Google Reader death. In the end, we all learn very fast to ignore all the uselessness garbage that surround the thing you want to read on pages.

Why is California so god damn expensive? It’s not lack of land, for sure.

If you don’t feel like drilling:

By the way, there are a lot of local lifehacker sites for many countries. I don’t like mine: they look ugly and articles take a long time to be translated.

Although it’s a 4h walk, it’s not a bad idea at all!

OFF-TOPIC: can you guys recommend unusual activities to do while travelling California? Something like the NYC “sleep no more” show or going to a lecture in a college (economy, psycology, computer science, anything cool goes) or hidden city gems (like the ghostbusters station in NYC) or see a space rocket launch or