Automatik Fantastik

I can understand how Brazil could be attractive for study: people are sound happy all the time, they party a lot, they invite you for their homes all the time and don't mind sharing anything. They are very curious and receptive about foreign people. They still carry this "building up" feeling and colleges are full

This is tiny, but here it is: I don't care anymore how stupid people act on Youtube, I just want the info they have to share. My friends usually get pissed and say "are you watching that annoying dumb fuck???" and I just reply "I also hate him/her, but I want to see what he/she has to share".

It's not that you are "in need" when travelling but... I have never found a place free of touristic scams. Maybe Japan? All the rest is... well, here it is:

I prefer to share my ideas and actually be able to buy it because I'm waiting too much for the Jetsons world to happen.

That could technically exist today. If you connect it to a clean water piper, the machine could self clean it. Also, it could allow you to put a small barrel of coffee, long enough for months of coffee.

I want something similar, but for dishes. I want a machine where I can put ALL the dirty dishes, including large pans and bowls of all sizes, full with rests of food on it without the need to rinse and the machine would wash it and put in some nice dry place.

I used to drink way too much coffee. During a vacation I completely forgot to drink coffee and I was fine, because I just wanted to relax. When I came back, I realized that I was very awake without any caffeine. I decided to not break the flow and keep drinking only water instead of coffee. Maybe Diet Coke is the

Mine is like $60 per year. I'm fine with that.

Gotta remind also that around the world many countries have very different approaches about consent age. Most South American countries is 14, anything below that is considered rape. Some European countries say 14 but with only 3 years of maximum difference, so a 15-18 couple would be ok.

I heard that police officers can lie things such as "I'll just stop this tape recording, so we can chat honesty man to man" while having another recorder under the table.

There's an episode in "that 70's show" where they're selling marijuana cookied and keep asking everyone that approaches them "are you an undercover cop?".

It's officially recognized as one of the jobs in the country. No prostitute or clients can get arrested for it, but here's the catch: you can't be a pimp. It's illegal to exploit sex workers as a pimp, so sex professionals can only work as freelancers. Technically, there could not exist sex houses, but they do exist,

Yeah, at least in my country (Brazil) legislators think is safer to drive barefoot than with sandals, so, sandals are forbidden, barefoot is legal.

I know a loophole in the world system to make you millionaire. It has no relation to any pyramid/ponzi scheme and does not involve mass mailing everybody in the planet. My mother makes over $17 per day! If you want more info, subscribe to… Lifehacker users get a $500 discount

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I think this facebook feature is very good, but I must leave this Onion feed, just for the fun:

This pool thing makes me a sad man.

By the way, LOL at the "It recycles electromagnetic energy and stores it in a unique power bank", also "Powered by our patent pending technologies" in the iFind kickstarter.

I'm curious about your funded projects, could you list us what games/ideas have you funded?