
I believe you are mistaken about this being a Freedom of Navigation mission. You conduct FoN passes through the recognized territory of another state, the US does not recognize the artificial islands or the waters around them as being PRC territory. When making a FoN pass, you usually turn off everything that looks

There was no SOFA post 2011, that is publicly why we withdrew. I was in Iraq for all of 2011 and was one of the last high-ranging officers to depart in December of that year. I sat on a steering committee as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement team at the US Embassy in Baghdad and I can tell you that the

I am ashamed for not recognizing it. As a Level 60 Sarcasm Mage, I hereby relinquish my powers.

“Clearly the cruise missile strike was a blatant advertisement of capability and show of force on Russia’s behalf,”

calm down comrade

Yes. Which was pre-1934. So were people like Jack Benny and Milton Berle and George Burns and Ted Healy and The Marx Brothers on and on and on.

Technically speaking, wasn’t what Mark Twain did with his “speaking tours” pretty much like modern stand up comedy? Quick funny quips, selling his books, etc.

Now playing

I’ll give you everything up to stand-up. That shit is a lot older than white appropriation of black culture...

My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.

Seriously . . . it also happens to be the quickest on the list above. If it wasn’t a Chrysler product it would probably get a fraction of the hate. Still a super neat vehicle and awesome test bed for aluminum intensive manufacturing. I’m still fairly certain no other automaker in the world would have built something

5.7 seconds on a car from 2000 is...bad? I want whatever you people are smoking.

We still use them because they’re phenomenal. It’s was the only rotary wing asset we had in Afghanistan that was capable of operating at very high altitudes. I’ve see them sling-load entire Apaches and HMMWV at altitudes other helicopters can’t even operate at, much less sling load multi-ton loads with 20+ combat

Okay, Phil - we get that you’re upset over a two-tier pay scale. But in Mexico, it’s a one-tier scale, for maybe the U.S.-equivalent of ~ $5.00/Hour. Parts guys make ~$2.00-$3.00/Hour.

I go into work and do my job every day, just like this guy. You know what I get as a ‘thanks’? My paycheck. That’s our agreement. I work, they pay me. It’s been working well for me for the 17 years I’ve been working.

The 818 Coupe looks even better!

It’s not us! It’s our dumb thrice-divorced aunt in Florida! She takes everything at face value and is highly susceptible to slogans and catchphrases!

Everyone is free to run for president. I swear we would have stopped him if we could.