
You get some diversity the more you play, to a point. But there’s a point in the game where you’re sorta shoe-horned into selecting a faction, and at that point, the game gets downright annoying and frustrating. Will you finish it? I’m betting not. Should you play more than you have? Yes, actually. There are some

I thought Fallout 4 was pretty awesome up until the end-game, when it rather suddenly got really annoying, frustrating, and crappy.

I loved Fallout 4 right up until the point where you have to start choosing factions, and the game shoe-horns you into paths I didn’t want to go into. Suddenly instead of a free and open world game, it became a game with invisible walls, on rails, with bugged quests and ambiguous & frustrating quest markers that

Once you take back the castle... don't accidentally listen to the Freedom Radio station... or you'll start getting them accidentally without even being near Preston! UGH!

I LOVED Fallout 3. Played the entire game through twice (once as good, once as evil), including all DLC.

I never played Fallouts 1 and 2. So for the rest, my ranking is:

Fallout 4
Fallout 3 (very close to 4)
Fallout: New Vegas (very far down the list from 3 & 4... really didn’t like it, never actually finished it).

I will never understand the love for FO:NV... it was BORING. Pointless. I never cared about any of the

I will never ever understand the love for Red Dead Redemption. One of my least favorite games ever (that’s being polite... I fucking hated it). I swear to god, it was 90% cut scenes. At one point, after a tedious 10 minute cut scene, it had me move the joystick forward so I walked across the street so 3 seconds later

I can't travel WITH a companion. They're all so damn annoying. Just like other people. Needless to say I don't play multi-player games either. Other people just piss me off.

I found a crashed UFO last night... nothing collectable or notable other than it came in at a very oblique angle, dug a huge trench as it crashed, and was still on fire.

Tangling with the wildlife was actually my least favorite aspect of FarCry 4... I’m not sure about an entire game of nothing but that aspect...

I loved Fallout 3, and hated New Vegas.

So, this comment from the quoted review in the article above explains perfectly why I don’t “get” the negative reviews... “Fallout 4 feels less like Fallout and more like Borderlands 3”.

Deathclaws are bad enough. Alpha Deathclaws are even worse. But LEVITATING ALPHA DEATHCLAWS?!? Now you’ve gone TOO FAR!

You an also use it to make beds. I guess it’s what they stuff the mattresses with!

So one thing I discovered pretty late was that the “Defense” number in a settlement isn’t based on the number of settlers (like every other number), but needs to be AT LEAST the value of “Food + Water”. Otherwise you get a little “warning” icon I the Workshops (why not “Settlements”?) menu under Data.

Weirdly, I loved Fallout 3 (and of course, Skyrim), but LOATHED Fallout:NewVegas. So boring and dull and awful. Bad quests, horrible visuals (everything was fucking brown... everything), and huge empty areas that I’d explore for an HOUR and not find ONE DAMN THING. And the factions? I didn’t give a shit about any of

Dude, it never OCCURED to me. I had no idea how it worked. The other crafting benches all work the same way... it didn’t even occur to me that this bench worked completely differently in every possible way.

I saw that but had no idea what it meant. I even had to read this twice to wrap my head around it because it’s so completely unintuitive.

Put your suit on the rack and select repair all the parts of the suit that need repairing. For anything that isn’t “equipped”, it’ll lack the little square next to it, just select it, and “Equip” will be an option. Done and done.

You can just put junk directly into your workbench.