
Okay. Whatever you say. #Projection #FoodNazisAreTheWorst

I sound like an ass because I come out against one-size-fits-all alarmism? Riiiiight.

I'm into fitness... as into fitness entire hotdog burger into my belly!

I’m 50 dude. It’s worked fine for me. In fact, the only time food was ever a problem for me was the one time I went on a “healthy food” kick eating tons of salads (no or light dressing, just tons of vegetables)... suddenly my kidneys filled with kidney stones (I have to avoid dark green leafy vegetables now), and my

I think a lot of the advice (in general, not this article specifically) is borderline absurd, dogmatic, or faddish. Eggs were the enemy, until they weren’t. Salt was the enemy until it turned out only people with problems with too much salt have to deal, and the rest of us don’t need to worry so much. Now sugar is the

Thanks :-)

And that's completely fair. Eat food you enjoy.

I'd love for you to point out where I said that. Because of course I didn't. Stop being an asshole for no good reason.

That wasn’t my assumption, that was your ridiculous spin, so I guess it's not me with the problem.

Seriously. Fuck this shit. Eat what you like and enjoy life, and stop obsessing over every morsel you put in your mouth and stop obsessing so much over fucking so-called "healthy eating" that you forget to live life and enjoy it. Jesus.

It actually has been said, in an interview during E3... they’re tweaking the emulator where necessary to get some games to run. No tweaking is done to the game itself. It requires no involvement from the developer or publisher other than giving a licensing OK to make the title available.

Which makes me wonder... since the Xbox One is basically a PC, and since PCs and the Xbox One will both be running flavors of Windows 10, do you think they’ll ever make an Xbox 360 emulator available for PCs? (They'd obviously need to have some pretty serious hardware requirements... no integrated graphics, at least

There's no "reworking" done by developers to get it running. MS makes tweaks to the virtualized Xbox 360 emulator but that's all.

Yeah, I did. You need to stop living life in denial. You were an idiot, you made a stupid comment, and for an alleged black bisexual you certainly use FOX News talking points (whining about SJWs) and reason and type like a right-wing republican white bigot. So seriously, get psychological help. You couldn’t stand that

Oh good grief! You’re pathetic! You lost! You were wrong! I ran rings around you logically! And you just can’t let it go! Jesus!

Weren't you "done" like three replies ago? So predictable and pathetic. God. Give it up.

Let’s review, shall we?

Heh. More projection. Predictable. No self-awareness. This is almost fun. You brought this all on yourself yet still can't accept any responsibility at all and do nothing but project your own issues onto others. Pathetic.

Me too... me too... (sigh)
