
No. When you say you’re done talking YOU stop. Here’s you: “I’m done talking. Okay, THIS time I’m done talking. Okay, now I’m REALLY done talking!” So on top of everything else, you're not just a plain old liar. Yeah, your kind, even if you say you’re done, always has to have the last word. You’re so fucking

You started it. You said the stupid, insensitive, ignorant thing. And you keep saying you’re done but keep on talking. So you’re intellectually dishonest too. I know exactly what I’m talking about, and find it amazing you actually think social justice is a bad thing. All I did was point out how stupid your original

Dude. ONE game in the entire universe where you couldn’t romance a woman, and you had to post that you were upset about it. Don’t try to turn YOUR issues on me. Talk about being ridiculous. It’s a GAY game based on GAY source material, and you wondered why they wouldn’t let you romance a chick. Jesus. Seriously? Talk

No more annoying than the constant assumption of white male heteronormativity that’s been going on for the last, oh, forever. Suck it up. And then get over it.

...because there has NEVER been a game where a male main character was unable to romance any of the other males (rolling eyes). Gee, now you see how it is on the other side. Maybe you can just deal with it... like gaymers have been dealing for ages. Gaymers get ONE GAME and you get all bent out of shape? Maybe you can

What the hell is going on? First Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2 and Doom... then Xbox 360 compatibility on Xbox One... now SOUTH PARK?!? I may hemorrhage from all the squeeeeeeing... dammit!

All those people who bitched before, turned up their arrogant little noses at the Xbox One, and went all in on the PS4 can now just shut up. You have been pwned.

Imagine how I'll feel with my Lumia 940 running Windows 10... any bets they support Windows 10 Mobile?

It’s about fracking time. I bought a game that wouldn’t run on ANY of my (perfectly normal, reasonable, modern PCs... the only issue being they ALL had high-DPI displays). It was completely unusable. And it was like PULLING TEETH to get them to just give me a fracking credit for the damn game. The experience was such

I think the main flaw in the respawning checkpoints happened when you’d be standing in an empty checkpoint, and they’d respawn at that instant, materializing out of nowhere. I had that happen to me enough to be seriously annoying.

What I really want to know is: If I've never played Witcher 1 or 2, never read the books, know next to nothing about the game or universe... but loved the hell out of Skyrim and FarCry... can I pick up this game and enjoy it without feeling frustrated or lost?

So... they're all women? Boring.

I thought it was visually stunning in parts... I’d stop and just look around at sunrise as the sun-beams pierced the misty jungle canopy...

It had it's flaws (the damn respawning checkpoints, and the annoying habit of every missing you get requiring you to travel across the entire map to complete), but it was still a

Count me in the “Love it, but acknowledge some obvious flaws” camp. I dunno if I’d say FC2 was the best in the series, but it sure was an all-consuming bundle of fun and frustration... as were FC3 and FC4. The original FarCry is the only one I've never made it through, for whatever reason.

Had he sold Tesla to Google, my interest in owning a Tesla would have dropped to zero immediately.

Do you have a PC at home? If so, why would you think of a PS4? Do you ever watch TV? If so, why would you even think of a PS4? I have the Xbox One with my cable DVR plugged into it... flipping back and forth between TV and Xbox is trivial. The voice commands are awesome ("Xbox, watch HBO!"). And with Windows 10 coming

You're missing my point. The "one menu bar to rule them all" is obnoxious in the extreme (there's no visible indication that options have changed when you switch apps, for instance). Each app needs its own menu bar. But beyond that, you actually have to sit there and micromanage multiple apps... closing a window

"Team-based" and "player vs. player" instantly eliminate a game from consideration for me. I really wish this fad would go away. I need some good single player (like FarCry and Skyrim), or two-player co-op games (like Borderlands).

I'm not trolling. But what's really embarrassing is that you have no response so you lower yourself to the pathetic "Do you work for Microsoft" nonsense (hint: No, not now, not ever, I'm just responding to and calling out obvious B.S.), and then relate a ten-years-out-of-date anecdote as if it proves anything about

Really? I always love to ask "In what way is Windows 8.1.1 so bad?"... I never get a good answer. I only get ignorant ones. Ones that are based on 8.0, or just based on "what I heard", or based on the fact that the person saying it made zero effort to eliminate whatever 'paint point' they're having (like ensuring