

You're just wrong. The ability to just reach up and tap the screen (to dismiss a dialog that doesn't have focus) or flick to scroll is SO natural and intuitive, that it beats even Apple's superior trackpad gestures. Every time I use someone else's laptop, I'm forever tapping and flicking the screen and getting

No, I mean the "one title bar to rule them all" (I can't count the number of people that have no idea where to find things because there's no indication in the UI that the menus have changed), and the fact that closing a window doesn't actually close the app... how many people leave apps running forever because they

Completely serious. Factual. Honest.

Windows 8.1.1 is not "terrible" by any stretch of the imagination. I trained an office full of people on it in half an hour. Several Windows 8.0 haters now love it.

If you think OS X's interface is "intuitive", you don't get that you're just used to it. There's very little that's intuitive about it, especially when it comes to multitasking and window management. Windows is vastly superior to that, especially 8.1.1.

8.0? Maybe. 8.1.1? You're just wrong. Better than Windows 7 in almost every way.

No multi-touch is a deal-breaker. Sorry. Once you get use to that, you can't imagine living without it.

Dell USED to have an XPS all-in-one that was smaller than 27" (22"?) that was also CONSIDERABLY less expensive. It seems odd that they don't have anything in that range now, because that's precisely what my parents want to replace their aging model... yet nobody seems to carry a mid-range, mid-size, less-expensive All

I won't care unless and until it's available on Xbox One.... otherwise I won't be able to play it, so it might as well not exist.

The game is a bit too frenetic for me. I can't get "into" it the way I can many other games... after about an hour I'm exhausted and have to put it away. The stats say I've played for 9 hours... it seems like so much LONGER than that.

The problems with SimCity were fundamental and systemic... no amount of 'patching' would ever fix it. It's not like the "online-only" crap was the only flaw in the game.

Just remember...

Yeah, but most of the scripted story missions are pretty well done (compared to FC3) and pretty fun. And you can ignore most of them if you want to in any given play session. I could easily spend 20 hours having a lot of fun, and not doing any story missions at all.

No idea what you're even talking about. Never seen or heard of anything like that. So... no. Maybe you just have a really shitty router or internet provider, but it's not a problem or fault of SkyDrive/OneDrive.

FC4 is all the best parts of FC3, with most of the annoyances polished away, with some fun new game mechanics added on (and a small set of new annoyances). I'd wager it's better than FC3 in every way. Worth your time.

Far Cry 1 is totally skippable.

Never finished the first Far Cry. Not even sure I got very far in it (certainly never made it to the halfway point... possibly the 10% point)

And yet, I've played all of the games — ALL of them — through single player. Sure, it's fun when you can find a friend that you can make lots of regular time with to play through, but honestly, that's difficult. I want to play a game when *I* want to. Multi-player with strangers is not just zero fun, it's negative

To me, Blood Dragon was its own game, just based on the FC3 engine. You never needed to have FC3 to play it. It was very stand-alone. REAL DLCs typically aren't stand-alone.