
And Ford’s

Hear me out: Instead of paying the numerous billions of dollars and euros in fines for Dieselgate, what if VW would build a street legal version of the ID-R and sell it at the price of a Passat. Of course they’d lose a ton of money because building a Passat is probably way, way cheaper than building a Pikes Peak

The “invention” of putting touch screens in cars to replace physical buttons. That needs to stop.

I am going to guess that magnesium casting is rather specialized and there aren’t too many of these foundries around.

I can’t wait to haphazardly chuck my large, pointy toolboxes into this thing

So that’s how you make scrambled Keonigseggs.

A quick check on Gizmodo shows 26 trackers... not just user facing companies like Amazon, Facebook, or Google... but companies such as Exelate whose sole purpose to to track users and sell that information to advertisers, Krux Digita a company that tries to track users across platforms (laptop, mobile, app), and

You would think that working for the NSA means a definite excuse for NOT working from home.

Iowan here who happens to live rural, surrounded by corn and soybeans.....

Starred because Stig.

Hi all! I’m just here to watch people say incredibly shitty things to one another over their choice of phone.

Next that guy was enquiring about the Dana LSD

“Back in my day we used to have to jerk the car off for a good half a minute before launching! None of that fancy button chode business you kids are fiddling with!”

In Indiana, you can’t buy a car on a Sunday. In the same vein as how you can’t buy carry-out beer on Sunday. Because GOD. Or something.

Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.

I’m pretty sure that reply was someone fucking with them.

Also... I wouldnt say it 'Destroyed raw pork'.... It just kinda put a small hole in it.

Well, that was...underwhelming.