
If you’re planning on keeping it in one place, that would be fine. You can more or less disregard the rest of this post. Be aware that having a sofa that’s unsecured will move in transit and can cause damage.

One day all prices just double after they own the market?


The saddest one is the Elise. It's one of the best driver's cars ever!!!

This is a) all true, and b) over Billy’s head, as he doesn’t know that much about United. For all the braying of Arsenal fans over Pepe (who picked them over Spurs, not United) United’s window has strengthened the club where they need it. Also, if you’re going to right about United’s window, failing to note the

Let’s not ignore Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

Oh no, honey. This was worse than Goop. I half expected her ass to pull out a fistful of crystals and say that the only way to heal America is by re-aligning the chakras of every man, woman and child in the country. She is like a dozen tics beyond Goop.

1st Gear: When will GM learn that ugly vehicles with ugly interiors don’t sell?

Usually it’s only allowed while you’re wearing skates, but we’ll let it go this time.

This is the correct take. The Warriors looked to be running out of steam in previous rounds. Their core players essentially added a sixth season’s worth of games in the process of their last five playoff runs. The Clippers and a completely dysfunctional Rockets team both took them to six games. There are no asterisks.

(Handing you his torso doll) “I already did, man.”

There should be an unwritten rule you can’t yell at the batter after he hits a massive homer off you.

If you start your sentence with, “Back in my day...” you better finish it with, “ not a great indicator of how things should be because we had casual racism and sexism and threw trash out car windows like a bunch of damn idiots.”

They also removed Birth of a Nation from their rain delay rotation.

What does the fastidious little turd Jim Gray have to say on it?

Wait till that day in the near future when his doctor tells him he’s dying and he responds with “ well of course, you doctors are all in cahoots with the mortuary companies”

Precious millenials? I lived in Myrtle Beach which was a borderline retirement city and let me tell you: the olds do not use signals, nor drive past 25 mph no matter what the speed limit is.

Every year I tell my students “Everybody have fun tonight, everybody Wang Chung tonight.”
They don’t respect me at all.

I live in a place full of (white) manbabies who demand respect without being willing to give it to others. Giant lifted trucks, barbed wire tattoos on steroid-pumped upper arms, Punisher skulls, “black rifles” and “tactical” clothing: all of this is about signaling the world, “I DEMAND YOUR DEFERENCE.”

You just ignore them. Silence is always the best insult.