Jerry would fall dead asleep after three drinks. At his age and with a heart transplant, he probably doesn’t party that much.
Jerry would fall dead asleep after three drinks. At his age and with a heart transplant, he probably doesn’t party that much.
If only there were some mechanism where the citizens of Nevada could permanently fire the legislators they disagree with...
Jesus take the wheel.
As a general rule zero sentences are required to tell David Brooks has written a bad column. His byline is a giveaway.
The most expensive things in life are often “free.” Especially when they come with fine print.
If you want to make enjoyable iced coffee, start with great coffee. And listen to the pros recommendations:
Skippy is the Donald Trump of sports analysis.
In all likelihood, the residents of Las Vegas are about to find out that their opposition to a publicly funded stadium or arena have absolutely no bearing on that happening.
That will do nothing but please the UNC alumni dominated legislature in North Carolina.
Musk seems to be following the same trajectory as Howard Hughes. He’s even adding “the crazy part” now.
When noted enema nozzle Lupica speaks, you can be sure that a torrent of shit is about to follow.
You know, Google, Microsoft, et. al could do these artists a favor: remove their content from Youtube AND their search engines AND their social media platforms.
Bureaucracies always, ALWAYS respond to crisis with more bureaucracy.
“ I’m sure he’ll score a couple of wondergoals, but I suspect his production will be more along the lines of Falcao.”
The Canes already had Jack Johnson and traded him to LA.
“Chris is NOT retiring. Loves what he’s doing too much and is too young to hang ‘em up.”
Pack it all up on a truck and go dump it on the lawn of their houses.
I work at Counter Culture Coffee and watch the roasters here do their work every day. It’s far more than just putting beans into a Loring Roaster, mashing a button and waiting for the beans to come out. Those folks are constantly monitoring the beans, especially after first crack and looking for the perfect point…
I have to ask — did the people you held tastings with do the “coffee slurp” when you use a proper spoon and almost inhale the coffee so that it covers as much of the tongue as possible? Just taking a quaff is not really going to give the best flavor impression.
Soccer is better off without blowhard know-nothings like Mike Francesa bloviating on it.