I went to a Waffle House once.
I went to a Waffle House once.
Oh, I agree with you on that point as well.
Actually, that would be his old boss, Rupert Murdoch. You know, they same guy who ruined television journalism here too.
Except that this sounds nothing like a British football presenter, save for perhaps Ray Hudson, who works here in the US. The accent is more Australian than British, besides.
How about giving buyers a choice between Android, Apple and Microsoft infotainment systems? Even better, modularize them such that if you have Android and you want Apple, or vice versa, you can lift the cover and change a card or board and have it as you like?
Bill Simmons is Exhibit A in why the rest of the country dislikes Boston Fan: they're unbearable braggarts when they win and whiny-ass bitches when they lose. Every fan base is like that to a degree, but Boston Fan has taken it to the next level and beyond.
Why didn't the N1 work as it was supposed to? Simple, its designer, Sergei Korelev died in 1966 before it could be completed. Korolev was Von Braun's equal.
It was also all-liquid fueled, which made it inherently safer than STS (remember Challenger.)
You sound like one of those guys who has posters of Ferraris up in your living room, can tell us every spec about any model manufactured in the past twenty years, yet when pressed, would have to admit never owning, driving or even haven ridden in one.
Now that The Media Barons have won their lawsuit, why won't they do us the favor of putting the site back online? Sounds like comedy gold to me.
When's Fuckler going to make the jump to NASCAR? He'd fit right in there.
Right now, you can't spell elite in South Carolina without C-L-E-M-S-O-N.
Maybe Wilbon got booted because he's a know-it-all blowhard. Oh, wait, it's ESPN and that's exactly what they look for in a talking head.
And he taught his Duke-fellating son well.
These days, the government is doing so well in the minds of most of America that it only makes sense to hire an inside-the-Beltline former government flak to handle your P.R. if you're L'il Danny.
Your sense of irony is dull. The key line was "pick up the blitz."
Why is this man not on Fox or CBS's NFL lead-in shows?
Looking for an easy A.
He better not do something like that against Denver.