
Intent is also a huge part of executing any throw. With a trained partner you know you can execute the ability cleanly and to the best of your ability without harming him/her. With an untrained partner/opponent if you don’t intend to execute the technique fully because you don’t want to harm them, you’ll probably fail

I need to do a clean install soon— switching to a bigger monitor and keeping my old monitor in a dual setup has led to all sorts of shenanigans with my desktop reshuffling and resizing randomly after waking from sleep. Also I keep getting a crash on wake up which my limited research has suggested is also likely to be

I still have no idea what The Division actually is.

She made a great handler, for sure!

During that part one of the groups had him dragging the body to the scanner. That doesn’t mean they couldn’t have made adjustments to their prompting for later runs though.

I was pretty impressed they were prepared for the possibility that the players would ask him to cut off the finger.

This is what SpaceX is really for. Elon is building his own space infrastructure to put up powersats, first in High Earth Orbit and then in a cascading series of orbits around the Sun that get closer and closer to the Sun as SpaceX’s infrastructure improves.

I’d really like to see an open world bushido game (maybe a mix between Legend of Zelda and Dragon’s Dogma) with a political- and revenge-driven narrative and very subtle but important Shinto and Buddhist influence in the narrative/world design and no magic/special attacks.

If they had reproduced it exactly, it might be problematic. But considering it’s the same world at different time periods and there are a number of interesting differences (notably water levels), isn’t it more fun to think about the possibility that not only are the assets based on the same data, but they’re actually

When I’m inconvenienced by a situation that on the surface seems unfair to me, I try to imagine an explanation for what’s going on that I would be perfectly copacetic being inconvenienced by.

You can do a really good job steaming stuff on high in a microwave— just put a little water in the container with the veggies and put a wet paper towel over the veggies.

So tired of everything Kanye. Someone tell me it’s going to stop soon. Or just lie to me so I can sleep peacefully.

Adult games may also contain more extensive nudity than topless women in addition to more graphic depiction of sexual acts. AAAND also a lot of Japanese adult visual novels depict high schoolers, which brings its own unique complications (especially when releasing in several different countries).

I was disappointed that you didn’t discuss what specific policies are anti-women. Do you mind elaborating on that?

Leveling gets better after you get past Hamelin (definitely an unfortunate amount of grinding required to get past this due to the monster types you need to effectively handle the boss there).

Reminds me of an UnderArmor ad...

With gas prices as low as they are now, this doesn’t bode well for 2016.

This worked in Yellow, too. Pre-second-Millenium didn’t feel like he had completed that game until he had Missingno in his collection. Didn’t get anywhere close to “catching them all,” but I had the most important one.

It’s looking a little more like a sequel in this video, isn’t it? The comment about her going to prison would make a lot of sense as part of the consequences of her exploits in the previous game. It’d be very interesting from a literary standpoint if this is part of a commentary on the consequences of doing the right

I don’t have the requisite understanding of ESO’s mechanics to fully appreciate the gameplay in this clip, but I am very much appreciating the soundtrack!