I rotated the camera to see if her shirt was ripped after that. I was split between disappointment that it wasn’t and relief that her shirt was OK.
I rotated the camera to see if her shirt was ripped after that. I was split between disappointment that it wasn’t and relief that her shirt was OK.
I realize I may be in the minority on this, but I’ve loved Flash Thompson as Venom right from the start. It was great to see Flash’s struggles with disability and dependence balanced with the exhilaration at what the symbiote let him do (and how that connected with his identity as a veteran).
If you’re planning to do any deep reporting on the Tales games, I’d love to see a piece on Q&A for Tales games—specifically focusing on how the atrocious camera in Zestiria made it through Q&A to launch, and why Bamco hasn’t fixed it.
Considering that Nintendo now makes a profit on every Wii U sold, I suspect the Wii U is well on its way to paying for itself. I wouldn’t call it a failure if it manages to pay back its R&D costs and moves into pure profit territory.
This is basically what the first FF-XIII trailer promised FF-XIII would be like. I’m glad someone at Square Enix held on to that ambition even if it took another six years.
Yeah, if it had been him sitting there talking to the camera his delivery would have been pretty dry and uninteresting. Make him a muppet and everything is perfect.
You could do a video on proper tempura... Nothing quite like tempura broccoli and tempura sweet potato (in good ways)!
I had never felt any kind of entitlement toward the body of a woman until a few years ago. It was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. Before that, I’d have agreed with most of what you’re saying. After that, I realize that just because you’ve never felt some way before doesn’t mean you never WILL. I’ve certainly…
No, that red shelf is definitely not on the real wall. The real wall is the thing with the Grecian pillars, and it’s several feet back from the wall the shelf is mounted on.
Seems pretty clear that if any of that is part of the youtuber’s setpiece, all of it is.
No, they had a real, remote controlled BB-8. Certain shots would need to be CGI, though— anything involving him navigating with his anchor wires, for example.
Hiroshima’s Ground Zero Park is a lovely memorial to the tragedy of the bombs and to the resilience of man and nature. Hiroshima in general is an amazing city today.
A decent percentage of the people who made money in those years would like to know that, too. The rest were corrupt.
But how will I know whether or not to like a game?!
Just remember, it’s Mike. He’s probably had that graphic ready for ages, prepared for the inevitable.
It depends what stage of the game you’re on. The numbers that will cause the shooter to lose change whether it’s the first roll of a round or if he’s on a point phase. The chances of a shooter winning on the first roll are pretty decent, since he needs to get either a 7 or an 11 (7 is the highest probability roll…
Maybe inductive charging will catch on for EVs?
Seems like she’s also showing that under all the cultural trappings and skin-deep phenotypical differences, we all still look pretty damn similar to each other and really aren’t that different from one another either.
I got curious about your completion percentage for each year. You ranged between 16% and 29% completion each year. Your best years were 2007 and 2009. 2015 was not your worst year— that’d be 2012 with 16.5% completion rate.