
Seems a little bit cool.

This type of attack happens all the time to everything, all this says is someone stepped it up a bit for a while. Big deal, everyone should know what this is anyway. Plus most sites tell you this all the time too.

No matter what the technology you use, you can aways see a smoke signal. You start at the simplest form of communication to form a sort of handshake protocol, a connection if you will, and grow up from there. Like tossing progressively larger ropes across a gap to get a realy large rope across.

Okay, so just wild speculation then. Hopefully it really is just a made up story, this would be bad if true.

I don't think thats good enough proof as there is no way to verify if its legitimate.

Do you have a source? I mean, in some regard this could make sense for what is taking so long. I'm sure there are technicians that have been working since the outage nonstop over this.

But no-one wanted to believe, believe they even existed. And when the truth finally dawns it dawns in fire.

I don't think these are "Playstation" tablets. I think they are just regular tablets that can play PS1 games. Sort of like Xbox integration into WP7, but probably better done.

My argument against multiplayer only: Fallout.

I do have a 360 and still boot up the PS2, but I think I made a mistake. See I meant to put an apostrophe on "console's" as in I would like to see motion gaming and the like on my PC. As in I see motion controllers and the like as toys. As in toys are fun and I enjoy them.

Seems an odd thing. Trying to be the best of both worlds and ends up this interesting mediocre thing. I want to buy it because it seems nice, like a cozy nook, but there isn't anything popping out.

It looks like a covering for the real case. Like the actual case is hidden inside it. Or its a placeholder case so they don't show it off until the E3 reveal.

I still prefer my PC, thank you. Though, more and more I feel like I am missing out on some of these consoles toys.

Ah, its already looks like a classic.

Japanese curry is the best, most Japanese food is really good.

Its like a diamond in the sky. Beautiful and expensive.

I hate to say this, but even without Witcher 2 it would have gotten slaughtered anyway.

I wouldn't doubt that at all. I mean, even in the current form it still looks pretty good and runs extremely well. I can "max" the settings and still get a good fps on a 460 GTX. Whether that holds true after the patch is a wait-and-see.

If it is Anonymous things will get real. I doubt it though, probably like that other outage that happened last year that was some small technical glitch that through off the entire thing.

DirectX 11 yet?