
I think if anything this would show that if the next generation has anything less than 8GB, than something is wrong.

Thats grand, thats really made my day.

Well, to be honest I can't stand the fact its in Java. Though I guess it would have to be rebuilt entirely if it moved to a different engine. Source was just an example.

It'd be cool to see minecraft remade using something like the Source engine instead of Java, same mechanics but on a grander scale.

We so excited, we so excited.

OMG I love that game! I still own a PS2 just to play that ( and Ace Combat ). I love finding that other people play that game. I enjoyed it so much, shame a sequel might never be made. Ship building is a niche genre I quite like.

Okay, yeah that sums up exactly my beliefs on his issue. I just don't like seeing all these being railing on erin for this when all points are valid.

If this becomes true, and maybe gets national attention, then this kid is going to be involved. I think erin just wants that not to happen.

The lie is about the kid, therefore implicating the kid. It might be her we question, but we question her about the kid.

You are not breaking through to see the point. You have already made an assumption and not budging from it. I mean everyone has already made that point. Everyone who is criticizing erin is as much to blame as erin for all this. Erin makes the same arguments and everyone else makes the same counter arguments and

I'd just hope that after learning enough we stop fighting with weapons and at least use words.

Its not erin that brought the kid onto this, its Sarah Palin. Even though we are so fixated on her lying we have to realize that the kid is still involved because of it.

Ugh, reading through the other comments I must apologize for their treatment of you. I guess its just a great big misunderstanding. I still have to think a bit over this, and the more I do the more I think you are right. Maybe it depends on why she did, if she did. To protect him or her?

See, theres the answer I was looking for. Now I know what you mean with all this. Looking at it from that angle, I can see your point and can agree with some of it. I try to listen and get a picture of what someone else is thinking instead of just asserting my own. So thank you for bearing with me, I guess I got

So let me get this straight. You believe because there is a kid involved she can lie? Because there is a kid involved we can't talk about that. Because there is a kid involved she should get away with it?

Are you some kind of automated messaging system? Because your response has nothing to do with my post.

We are not advanced, we are extremely primitive. My evidence? war.

Yeah, I know. I feel a little ashamed.

Nobody cares about the kid, at least not in this argument. Its not what is going on with that, its about her willingness to lie to people to hold public office.