While also running the family business. Sure, that seems legitimate.
While also running the family business. Sure, that seems legitimate.
Right? And now people will feel free to criticize every little penny she spends on anything.
She’s changing the locks as soon as he’s out, right???
Gawd, they severed ties with him after the Mexicans-are-rapists event, then gave him an SNL gig.
Maybe Pence will require Thiel to undergo the gay conversion therapy? How can that not be an awkward pairing.
Same thing with the GOP in Congress, at least the leadership. They thought they could just sit back for another four years of obstruction and throwing verbal bombs, but now they’re like SHIT!!! we’re gonna have to govern!!.
Any second now, the Right will blame Obama for this.
Four years of hard work? How about make that two. Midterms, baby.
The thing is, they look at us and say exactly the same thing. I’m constantly seeing on Facebook the relatives I consider the dumbest posting stuff blasting stupid people.
She probably can’t even count on getting anything in a divorce, since he’s destroyed his businesses with this exercise in ego.
Nate Silver, torture-master
Dogs are too stupid to cheat. Cats, on the other hand .........
His Mormonism is showing, maybe?
Could you guys just go ahead and invade us already?? I for one would welcome our new Canadian overlords.
The mother-effing Senate is slipping away from us. This pisses me off. Comey can just fuck off and die right now.
I’ve discovered cleansing conditioner. My hair is old enough to be mostly gray so I have colored it for years and will until it falls out. But it does mean my hair gets frizzy but I don’t want to shampoo more than a couple times a week. I bought the Renpure cleanser for no particular reason, and it seems to be working…
I’ve discovered cleansing conditioner. My hair is old enough to be mostly gray so I have colored it for years and…
And yet Anthony Weiner lives still.
I suppose you can say we survived 8 years of Bush, but that ignores the worst-foreign-policy-decision-ever Iraq invasion that we are still paying for and will be for decades in so many ways.
I flush the toilet with my foot. And I STILL wash my hands.
Also, if this thing were rigged he’d never have become the nominee.