
It’s lead balloon voice.

“Number one milk baby” is a perfect description. 

Good point.  Not to mention SoCal and NorCal folks have different accents.  

Neither can Kate McKinnon, Fred Armisen, or Kristen Wiig. Kenan and Bill Hader are the only ones who sound like exaggerated Californians, though Hader slips up by not putting “the” in front of the freeway names.

Let’s me totally clear about this. Melania is an asshole too. Always was. She is not some poor loveless housewife dragged into her life.

I just drew up a very fun Dynasty-esque scenario with Melania in a very 80s beaded gown holding a flute of champagne lounging at the entrance of the East Wing, blocking Ivanka’s way (in Krystal Carrington cosplay).

Imagine how stupid you have to be for Melania to pwn  you

Thank you for this. As a lifelong dyed in the wool fan, I watched the documentary with equal tension and relief. I ‘m ashamed I was a WHERE’S THE PROOF? fan, although by the time 2005 had rolled around I had experienced sexual assault and became acquainted with the legal system’s handling of it. As I still regularly

In a secret affair, there are two consenting adults and at least one unconsenting partner who is getting cheated on.

oh, come on. it was a consensual relationship. she was very much into him. it was not sexual abuse.

So they both sent out somewhat misguided tweets that were jumped on by the Twitter mob? Yeah that’s the same as murder.

I read their response to the controversy on Buzzfeed BEFORE watching the video, and thought they made some valid points. But actually blaming her for the shooting, when American Nazis literally walk the street and are elected to office by Republicans, is a streeeetch.

“Ilhan Omar made some tweets, and was blamed by many for feeding into rising anti-Semitic violence with her words. And Chelsea Clinton was the one who opened the flood gates on that shit.”

Jews were upset that her phrasing was highly adjacent to coded language about Jews having dual loyalties that have been used

Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check.

I don’t think it’s a done deal yet, but yeah, if his being an evil piece of shit isn’t enough to galvanize people together, then... yeah, fuck it. I mean, babies in cages should be enough to bring folks together to stop him.

My only hope is that most of these dimwits don’t bother to vote anyway.

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting

And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t

Eh, I understand what they’re saying but they seem like they’re laying this at the feet of people like Chelsea, which is crazy. It also seems like they’re opportunists too. They saw someone who was famous and knew that confronting her would get a lot of attention, so they went for it.