“So I Married an Axe Murderer.” Lots of hilarious moments, very Mike Myers.
“So I Married an Axe Murderer.” Lots of hilarious moments, very Mike Myers.
This is what I always tell people when they tell me I’m not “supposed” to wash them. If Jacques Pepin washes them, the author of the book that every chef sites as an inspiration, then I’m going to wash my mushrooms. Also, mushrooms bought in the store are often grown in manure, so yeah.
Oooooo!!! I did not know she was on YouTube! I know what I’m doing later.
Love Alyssa Edwards! She’s always got something to say.
Are you thinking this is his cousin Rabia Chaudry? I wish Rabia would write a book.
“The rule is no photographs of the adorable moment where my campaign manager told me that it would sound like I’m a real dad if I pretend that I let the girls put all their hair ribbons in my hair.” Yeah, not buying it Ted. My daughter did the same thing to her dad, and we sure as hell got photos.
It says “David Bowie remains the perfect husband.” SOB.
Yes, but with the LipSynchForYourLife we might get some wig pulling and death drops!
I, for one, would LOVE to see the RNC choose their nominee by having Donald Trump and Ted Cruz LipSynch FOR THEIR LIVES. And I mean literally to the death. The winner gets to LipSynch For Your Life with John Kasich.
Doc Brown, 2016!
The number of out-of-state license plates I see every day would bely that assertion.
Meh, it’s not so impressive when you have to park your fancy cars on the street.
Seeing as our family has been here since before the 1906 earthquake, I’d say pretty much anyone who moves here is after us. What I said was, we moved across town to a quieter part of town, I didn’t say we’d just moved here.
I’m verging on thinking up some crimes . . .
Five years ago my family and I moved to a quieter part of town. When we moved in our neighbors were long time Chinese immigrant families, Russian immigrant families, Irish immigrant families, and old time San Francisco families, mostly working class. Now my neighbors are driving Maseratis, Porsches, and Big Old Audis.…
Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t like the show based on the “snippets” I saw in previews. Each episode and season is actually written in such a way that all of those small moments add up to a big deal.
I know, I couldn’t stop laughing either. As long as there’s wine in your handbasket . . .
My husband doesn’t listen to much pop music, so he’d never heard of Sam Smith. He asked me if Sam Smith is deaf and that’s why he sounded so terrible.
Even just a new century makes things so much different, no? The 21st century is as different from the 20th as the 20th was from the 19th. Plus ça change, etc.
I have seen it, though I didn’t read the story. I think Laura Dern really did such a good job of being that woman/child. It’s such a strange time in a woman’s life, you’re starting to feel your power and yet it’s so scary to feel that. I think this is why we try to protect young women from all of this with laws about…