
I had this issue with several of my gay men friends, it was weird, all the touching and breast obsession. I've even been street harassed by a gay man (he was holding hands with his boyfriend, and I lived in Gay Mecca) who said "Nice boobies!" to me while I was locking my front door. I did not get being harassed by a

Seriously? They only reject photos of plus size women? This is kind of outrageous, no? I live in San Francisco, and I thought it was just my own old-fat-minority-feminist crankiness that has been making me feel like persona non grata in my own hometown, and I just had the perception that the whole town was being taken

Also, she sounds flat often in those videos, so she's always had that problem. It's just more forgivable coming from a kid than an adult who's supposed to be actually good— or at least is being paid for being a singer.

God yes! Any role, he's just It. I think B.C. is a really great actor, but Dr. Swoonypants definitely rules them all.

In case all you young 'uns are assuming that old ladies don't masturbate, I'm here to tell you that the minute I get some free time I enjoy my free time. I am officially an Old, but I don't see myself slowing down much. Even with a very nice husband who is good in bed I still need my alone time. But I've always been

Bless you, Dodai, I can always count on you! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Vintage is fantastic, but just be aware that sometimes the threads deteriorate. I once had on a beautiful 1940's silk cocktail suit which literally fell apart at the seams in the middle of an evening out. Now I check the stitching before I go out, and run a seam on my sewing machine if I find that some of the threads

Good luck, I hope the Paleo fixes it. Because I have thyroid issues the version of Paleo I did was the Autoimmune Protocol, which unfortunately meant I had to give up coffee at first. I added it back in (after two months, boo), and it seems like I'm doing all right with it, yippee! I think I was able to give it up

@Ladyskr: I was dealing with heartburn after I got pregnant. I was told I had a hiatal hernia and that I should just take the meds to stop my stomach from producing the acid. Which then made me have chronic indigestion, burps, and made me feel like shit all the time. I said fuck it, stopped taking the prescription

I'm surprised too. As a native Californian I always meet people who aren't from California who moved here from somewhere else. In fact it feels like everyone wants to be here, and no one ever leaves. I'd be happy if people would go back where they came from, haha. But seriously, really? I suppose if you live in any of

Yep. Mini AuntieMame was taught how to write letters and make sentences in kindergarten. They didn't have spelling tests till first grade, and she's now a whiz at spelling in third grade. I think it's a great way to get kids writing, and enjoying the act of writing and creating. You can then shit on the way they spell

You're probably wearing a correctly sized bra, which means you are unusual in the world. Most women choose 34 B because they think they're average and not busty. I was one of these women. Finally, thanks to the internet and an episode of Sex and The City, I measured and found out that I was a 34 D. Still not busty,

All I can say is bless the chemist who invented leave-in conditioner. I remember girls bringing curling irons to school so they could touch up between classes. That and the Maybelline pink mascara and roll on lip gloss to go with the sausage roll hair that was supposed to look feathered. Time to break out the

I'm with you, I am not a fan of the gigantic Grizzly Adams beards, nor of the Old Timey Saloon Card Dealer mustachios. I get a rash from facial hair. If I see any attractive men who are clean shaven I will send them your way. Things have got to change, right? Isn't that what hipsters do? If everyone's doing it they

The thing that you young 'uns need to understand is that this kind of hair was a way of getting away from the Brylcreem look of everyone's dad or grandpa. We didn't have as many kinds of hair products as we do now to help make hair look less fuzzy and wig-like. When I was a teenager my naturally wavy hair was out of

The first thought I had when I read the original item about Lux attacking and cornering the family was "poor kitty." I am such a fan of Jackson Galaxy, and have learned a lot from that show about how to deal with our crazy formerly feral cat.

I know, I had to vote for the one I know no one will vote for, because I always root for the underdog. But it's really so hard to choose.

That's a big one, no doubt about it. I know an earthquake is big when the cat gets spooked.

Oh jeez, that's not even a real earthquake it's so small. That's just "Did a big truck just drive by?" size. Get back to me when it's 6.9 or so.

I always think of grey-haired hippy ladies with candles and incense handing me fliers about Womyn Powyr and menstrual extraction when I hear the word yoni. Not that there's anything wrong with the word, but my cultural associations are too specific to make it sexy. For me. It's okay if you're a grey-haired hippy lady,