Billions of milligrams.
Billions of milligrams.
Same people who test Tesla FSD by putting their own kids in front of it and seeing if it doesn’t run them over.
Here’s the bicycle one.
Interestingly, the faster you go, the less winglets benefit you. Generally speaking, aircraft drag can be placed in two components - viscous, or parasitic, and induced. Parasitic is the general drag from moving a shape through a fluid. Induced drag is a natural byproduct of lift. As an aircraft goes faster, and its…
This man circulation theories of lift.
It DID have winglets when it began its takeoff roll. The wings drooped so much under the weight of the fuel that the tips abraded, and the winglets were barely attached. It nearly ended the attempt. Dick Rutan used the rudder to sideslip the aircraft and put enough sideload on the winglets so they broke off, and they…
Sort of an LMH from a Tim Burton universe.
Let me read that for you: “Tesla warns against using the manual mechanism, citing that it should only be used when the car has no power.”
It’s not just Democrats
Yeah, I’ll take a few minutes of spaceship porn from the guy who made 2001: A Space Odyssey a film ahead of its time visually.
If you find the Mission Log podcast with the second interview of David Gerold, he talks quite a bit about the early TNG portion of his career and Roddenberry kinda going off the rails. He holds special ire for Leonard Maizlish, Roddenberry’s attorney and the eminence gris behind the troubles of the early TNG seasons.
This is a 787. No MCAS.
Why Queen Mary? I visited her last summer, and (at least they are saying) she is financially stable now.
She was already stripped of asbestos in 1993-1994 in Sevastopol, Ukraine.
They’re all Neutron Jack Welch proteges, taught that the only thing is shareholder value. Not that Boeing’s missteps have helped that. I’m not suggesting that they’re intentionally tanking the stock, but they’re all focused on short-term profit, so they’re doing things like investing minimally in the product line, and…
Aerospace analyst Richard Aboulafia has openly wondered if their current strategy is just to milk existing products as much as they can before breaking off the different portions of their business and selling it off. Because their current business strategy doesn’t make much sense otherwise, especially killing off…
This guy has a record of outrageously asshole behavior. He’s trading lawsuits with a pizza shop that he feels wronged him, which prompted him to park a car wrapped with insults to the pizza shop in front of them and hiring an airplane with a banner insulting the pizza shop to fly over them. Apparently he owns, at…
Most of the post-merger Boeing CEOs, and many other executives, learned their craft under Neutron Jack Welch, the man who probably has done more to damage American business competitiveness than any other individual. These guys are working directly from the Welch playbook.
That was one of the things that came up in preliminary investigations, I thought. One of the reasons you are hearing about Boeing reacquiring Spirit, although I am not very confident that it will actually help.