I like it when my soccer/football commentators have a good practical knowledge of electromagnetic radiation emissions at different temperatures.
I like it when my soccer/football commentators have a good practical knowledge of electromagnetic radiation emissions at different temperatures.
Enough politicians are in the NRA’s pockets to effectively stymie any national efforts at gun control.
(Caveat - I’m no Constitutional lawyer, but) All might not be lost. That first phrase has a meaning, and the term “Militia” is mentioned elsewhere in the Constitution and is defined. Here’s Arizona’s Secretary of State (and a former Marine marksmanship instructor) Adrian Fontes explaining what that means, and why 2A…
Sorry I missed the list earlier. I know that the Reliant Robin was already mentioned, but if not, I would have suggested the Reliant Robin Space Shuttle.
Sorry to be a bit harsh, but if you couldn’t find great KC barbecue (with the whole of the internet at your disposal), it is on you, not the city. If nothing else, go to Arthur Bryant.
We’ll see. I think that people underestimate SpaceX’s cashburn rate. Although they’re well-funded, they might need to converge on a useable product faster than some think.
“Don’t you fret, Boba Fett!”
One other callout: Ted Lasso’s epiphany is brought about by a barbecue sauce that, Google informs me, is the signature sauce of a famous Kansas City barbecue chef (geographic tie for both Ted Lasso and Jason Sudeikis). Also, remember when he said “barbecue sauce” before he sinks the final dart shot in Season 1's match…
2010: The Year We Make Contact. 2012 is a bad Roland Emmerich apocalyptic disaster movie.
And the cheering when the range safety destruct happened. If this was Artemis I, people would have been devastated.
Based on both the graphic and video feed, 3 engines failed at launch/failed to start, and at least 3 more failed during flight.
They licensed GE selling engines to China, not the underlying technology. Even if you have an engine and try to reverse-engineer it (as China did with the CFM56 core to create the Shenyang WS10), there’s still a lot of manufacturing and design technology and expertise that prevents China from building an equivalent…
While I agree that there is a bit of a racist/xenophobe tenor to some of the comments here, there is ample evidence of Chinese industrial espionage of our aerospace industry to gain technical capabilities, including multiple convictions of spies.
They are certified by CAAC. There is some indication that they’re applying for a European EASA certification, but there has been little reported on that.
I think they’re responding to the musicologist’s comments.
All of Richard Rhodes’ books, from “The Making of the Atomic Bomb” on the Manhattan Project, “Dark Sun” (post-WW2 and hydrogen bomb), “Arsenals of Folly” (‘80s and the arms race and arms control treaties) and “Twilight of the Bombs” (post cold war) are definitive works about nuclear weapons and the arms race.