
Yep. Let’s hit the woman.

When I saw the first promo I thought “they BETTER hook Kate up with Kevin.”.’s her brother. No hot guy for the fat girl...again.

Her dad is a filthy racist. She supports and props up her dad. End of story.


Of course! I had “walking pneumonia” in my 30's. Came out of the blue and hit me before I really grasped how sick I was. I went to the doc, had a chest xray, got some meds and went back to work. Washed my hands about 100 times per day to try and protect my coworkers and clients and just powered through it. Took about

Oh fuck right off. You twat.

Welllll, there was more than just coffee brewing at the Cozy Corner Cafe.

That poor child. Always wearing itchy, scratchy uncomfortable dominatrix clothing. Dragged around to adult venues. Always so sweaty looking with flashbulbs in her eyes at all times. She should be at home, on a playdate with normal people.

Yep...the Chi for the win. I have one...and he does like his paddling.

God damn to hell those bloody fucking cavemen. Someday...someday....may they pay.

I am a Democrat and I have ALWAYS had something to live for.

Do you have any facts to back up that bologna?

<<a few months of training and a badge doesn’t give you the country to murder people as you see fit>>


Since when does the loser dictate the terms?

Wow Bro. Lol at you.

It’s going to be interesting to see the warm fuzzy welcome home the junior Senator from Vermont receives as he returns to Congress. After spending a year calling his colleagues corrupt, insulting them and doing his best to destroy the Democratic party, I’m sure he’ll be receiving ALL the choice committee chairs, etc.

Bern is always only on the side of Bern. Just trying to milk it for more money and attention.

I am looking forward to Madam President but I am really going to miss Obama. Such a dignified man. Proud to have him as my President.