
I have large dense breasts too.

This exactly mirrors what I posted a few minutes ago. I have 3 young daughters who are latina. I have 2 young sons who are latino.

I watched this with my three first generation american daughters who are latina....and one of my first generation american sons who is latino.

I love this woman. I always have. When she was First Lady, the amount of shit she took was unreal. Simply because she dared to be something other than a human clothes hangar like almost all the First Ladies before her...and almost all the First Ladies since.

Oh I dunno about that. Look at all the aspersions the BernieBros cast after Clinton won the “deep” South. Lots of dog-whistles going on there.

Honestly...Librarians were the only brave souls who kept this country alive during the George W years.

No human being is alien on the planet. This is long overdue.

Wow. That is not what I meant at all. I have genetic issues that I did not want to pass along to my kids. Same with my partner. We went through extensive genetic studies in 1994. Why the hostility?

I was just watching Kristen Bell say the same thing. She absolutely loved being pregnant. Best wishes to you.

Adoption was actually our first choice. That makes us in the definite minority. We were lucky enough to adopt 5 beautiful babies. I sincerely don’t want to sound meanspirited but I have never been so in love with my own genes that I felt that I HAD to pass them on.

This woman never fails to astonish and amaze me. What a selfless, compassionate and kind woman. She’s a true hero.

Third paragraph needs an edit.

Heard that this morning and it literally made me sick. What kind of a sick fuck would want to pay for that murder weapon?

She is a non-talented bore. So, natch, Woody tried to fuck her and then cast her in his latest bore-fest. She is feeling conflicted because she loathes his pedophillia and incest but she LOVES the money he gives her.

This happened to my spouse in Maui last month. The Costco card worked and he actually got through security much faster than the rest of us did.

Time for you to grow the fuck up. Put away your toys and start looking at the real world. Allepo. Syria. ISIS.

Jesus H KEERIST. Bernie is out. He has ZERO chance.

Nope. BernieBros are the same as Trump. Perhaps even worse because they are pretending to be Democrats..all the while disparaging a woman..reducing her worth to her uterus.

Plus...Trump coined a charming new term...The Woman Card!

Or...she just celebrated her hard won wins.