
In case you were injured by the serious edge he has I have returned to make everything better via this adorable photo of fantastic doggo’s that I found the other day:

I get that and it’s a good idea - I do the same thing, depending on the topic, if the person at hand is actually giving out terrible advice / information.

2 edgy 4 moi.

So much irony I’m bottling it and selling a supplement pill. 😀

HE’S MY BIGGEST FAN (on Kotaku)!

I think you wasted your time.

Yup, he’s upset alright.

Oh you!

Do you type that out every time, or do you have a macro set up so you can spam it?

Definitely. He’s trying really hard, too, as if he’s starved for attention.

You edgy little cupcake, you.


I took a minute to check his comment history.

That dish advice is solid advice.

I don’t think so. I give the letter writer the benefit of the doubt - He seems to be down on himself and (hopefully inadvertently) letting some resentment slip out via poor writing choices. He didn’t seem angry.

Naw. The letter writer seems down on himself and probably let a bit of misplaced resentment leak through in those lines.

At least it only seems like a poor choice of words that come off sounding resentful, as opposed to the guy commenting in this thread that explicitly sounds like he’s part way through writing a manifesto.

I hope he has as much trouble with women as the guy who wrote the letter - The women around him will be safer that way.

You seem upset.

That’s... Yeah. That’s a weird thing to say and more of a red flag than the self-deprecation.