Damn lady-people not explicitly stating if they had fun or not and refusing to quantifying it because, as we all know, fun is an objectively measurable quality!
Damn lady-people not explicitly stating if they had fun or not and refusing to quantifying it because, as we all know, fun is an objectively measurable quality!
Fahey et al. tell someone to fuck off - Everyone goes “Tell ‘em Steve Dave!”
You’ll be okay, my friend. You’re pain by proxy will eventually become a dull throb and then utterly vanish.
The comments on this article are a goldmine of clearly upset fragile men.
This guy.
Is this *really* how you want to spend your free time - Annoyed that a woman wrote a reply that didn’t trip over itself with politeness?
Fuck our buying power, indeed.
She is wearing something on the bottom half of her body. She’s in a one piece outfit and it’s pretty obvious.
Agreed, however:
First - It was still quite terrible of you to attribute the things you did to me, especially faux quote about wanting walking sex toy characters, just because of the single term “sex-negative.” Whether you agree with me or not, your assumptions and then outrage at those assumptions did both you and I a disservice.
Looking here - Another reply I think is excellent.
Oh look, I like this one too!
Oh look - I like this reply.
Hi. Thanks for playing, but we’ve got a problem:
I agree with you in general, but it’s Jango. In the context of who it is it’s not worth it.
I’m glad you said “there isn’t any metric” because that’s my point - it doesn’t exist.
What was black and white? What is extreme? I’m referring to real examples of things that have occurred.
Don’t waste the effort. It’s Jango. This is a person who consistently tells other people they are objectively wrong when they like something that he doesn’t.
Sure. Bye.