
Is Fahey going to do more articles in the vein of gaming/dads? I loved this one in particular, especially about how open and honest he was when explaining things to us and when figuring out what they were going to let him play:…

Fahey Dad articles are good articles and the world needs

Just stopping in to say that the people behind this game (or, specifically, the ones I’ve met) are fantastic people who love what they do and always do it as well as they can.

Thanks for being awesome, Fahey!

-commenting again to help boost the visibility if this-

Oh, and yeah, tone over text is hard to parse sometimes. I did try rewrites and an edit to my first reply to you just to try and make sure I didn’t come off as rude, angry, etc.

No problem! My only issue was that you were so succinctso I wasn’t sure if you were implying that the Twitch bio also specified pronouns.

Hi! Welcome over here and thanks for posting to clarify that for Mike. I was just suggesting he go ask you about it after seeing your pinned tweet.

I’ll have to take your word for it - Much like Fahey may not have seen EeveeSpirit’s Twitter (pinned tweet), I haven’t checked their twitch. Replies to the pinned tweet mentioned transitioning and possible surgery down the line, but even so I’ve defaulted to neutral terms because I haven’t asked them about it either.

The battery was also probably draining a bit faster than normal considering the system is modded to have a capture card.

Hey Mike,

They mentioned multiple times on the stream that it will only happen the first time with each itemnd. The gameplay itself showed repeats in the pop-ups, but they reassured viewers that this was only because of multiple files/builds etc. being used instead of one single one.

We found the gamergate kid.

“Games are a valid form of expression! They are art! Games need to be taken seriously and protected just like other forms of artistic expression!”

It’s about ethics in only reviewing games via a strict guidelines and only scoring them the way they approve of.

Nope. People still use it. Seems weird and backwards, right.

Well obviously it’s because Emma Watson is campaigning to take away their video ga....

Scan through the threads here. There’s not “probably” about it, he actively does it over and over.

As a note for anyone else who decides to read this, here’s how people of GamerGate function:

Also, your response presupposes that everyone terrible has indeed moved on and nobody terrible joined.