The Flood was one of the best FPS plot twists.
The Flood was one of the best FPS plot twists.
I loved the original Halo, and I have a long track record of disliking FPS games (sorry Goldeneye, you never did draw me in). I think the reason Halo:CE succeeded where the rest of the Halo series fell short was in presentation and story. While Halo itself is pretty derivative of a lot of sci-fi pieces (Master…
I dunno. It's dumb when gamers and fans devote themselves to corporations, but I think it's fun when these companies take shots at one another. Remember Sony's E3 2013 presser? "This is how you give a PS4 game to your friend." SO GOOD.
Anybody who thinks alcohol is safer than pot should not be in charge of teaching anything.
edit- and anybody who thinks it's not in their college sports program is reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy stupid
I can see their reasoning, it's the best way to eliminate savegame hacks, and to cultivate an online community. Sill a pain in the ass.
Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.
You know, I had this crazy thought.
Only problem with DIY is that when I was sports car shopping I didn't even look at the once without proper service records and I don't think I'm alone. I can't see anyone buying a Ferrari without this. Stating "yeah pinky swear I changed the oil" wont get you far.
Northern U.S. resident here to say - heated leather. Once you experience warm butt, you never go back.
Jesus, I thought CA was bad. And jail for speeding is bullshit.
Highly unusual for Recife to flood like that. Not because it has the infrastructure to NOT flood, more so because it's a rare thing to rain like that.
The Northeastern brazilian region is usually plagued by droughts.
But usually, brazilians stadiums have good drainage systems. It's rare to see a match in a bogged down…
That car chase can not hold a candle to:
I worked for years at a daily newspaper, and I worked closely with local TV news stations. They fuck up plenty, believe me. If anything modern journalism is freer, more democratic, and more dangerous to the people in power than it's ever been.
I don't really understand how Kinect failed? I love the hell out of mine. While I have never used it in a game, I think the voice commands for apps and my TV are amazing. I don't want to touch a remote ever again, and haven't felt the need to since I picked up my Xbox One at launch.
Alright. All is fine.
Some of my friends are already playing it, but on PC (digital copy). The thing is, I can't play it on PC even though I know it's the best version. PC is for work. I can't relax playing on PC. It doesn't feel right. And again, it's sad because it's a very powerful rig (I'm a 3D artist). That's one…
On the forums where I read about offroad vehicles, the main topics center around removing spark arrestors ,mufflers, catalytic converters etc. Perhaps if the offroaders showed respect for their neighbors and the environment (beer cans, garbage etc left everywhere), people might be more willing to listen.
Why is he a dick. He has a point. He was talking about her not having a drivers license anymore. He's also right in more ways than I think he realizes, and not just about the driving either.
Joke list becomes troll list when you add an Aztek. Your car guy card should be cut up in front of you for that one.
I'm glad your dad is fine, and I'm always happy to hear people being proud of their parents. There's just too much disrespect in our time for parents from their own sons and daughters.