
IIRC 127hp, though again IIRC someone (on Japlopnik) put it on a Dyno and it was closer to 100...

Good enough...

Ordered mine. ($914 CAD).

So, a Russian actually purchased a game!? For reals? I didn't think that ever happened.

But they have a responsibly to the shareholder.

Closer to $200-250... Then add marketing...

Dam you.

I was very excited for the Intel Compute Stick, then the reviews came out.

I’m heading off to Europe alone next month for just over weeks. I literally just bought an external battery this morning on Amazon... damn, I would have bought this instead.

Slightly OT: anyone have any recommendations for Polyethylene Condoms? My current lady friends is allergic to Latex and the one Trojan Polyethylene we used was horrible.

It was a knee jerk bs statement and I got the response I was expecting .. and I have apologized to those I have offended for the Blanket statement several times already. (This is the internet not the real world, sometime it’s fun to oversimplify and exaggerate).

We’ll stop saying it when you stop protecting you guns like its the end all be all.. Your country, I’m sorry to say, does have a sick perversion with them...

And the justice system will take care of it... Not a redneck with a gun..

Apples and oranges.. The leader of the free world doesn’t live there...

This guy used a deadly weapon to shoot a toy out of the air. If this is acceptable conduct for goofballs can we maybe take away their guns?

No ones feelings will be hurt over my count yes.. but thousand of Innocent people will die this year in your country because of your sick perversion with guns... God bless..

And I do apologize for that.. I know most Americans wouldn’t do what do did..

I accept that. I made a bad blanket statement which I should not have..

It wasn't over his property..

You have it!