For multiplayer yes, CE was the absolute best (oh the Gamespy days...). I would edit my comment to reflect the campaign, which is my favourite for a FPS...
For multiplayer yes, CE was the absolute best (oh the Gamespy days...). I would edit my comment to reflect the campaign, which is my favourite for a FPS...
That's why they made an HD remake?
I picked up the remake one cold Saturday afternoon this past winter. Best $30.00 dropped on gaming this past year... It still is as good as it was in 2001(?)... just now in HD...
It snowed about 30 miles away from my house this weekend... which is unusual for this time of year (this has been the coldest Spring in my memory). Usually we get a blast of snow early April then by mid month its decent out... Not this year...
So far I am loving the Car... and yes, still live by the snow (actually snowed here last week, the day after I got home with the Car.. (brought it back to Canada from Phoenix, missed the Shelby get together in Vegas by a day). And yes, she will be winter stored from Oct to April...
As a new owner of a GT500 I could see the AWD as a plus... though, having lost control of a few V6's in my youth, I at least "know/have an idea' of what the car can and can not do. I just wish there were race tracks around my parts...
22. Cecil
I played quite a bit on my powerful desktop PC (two playthroughs) and one playthrough on my Surface Pro 2... Pretty much ZERO issues whatsoever...
Thank you. I did not know this and will be trying it out when I get home after work...
There is a reason I said "security" and not military.
Sad but so true...
And that is why you have to spend trillion of dollars on security.
Yes, somehow I loose... because I have free health care, don't have to worry about cops shooting my for answering the door with a Wiimote, or the driver next to me because he doesn't like my 'Thug" music, or hell just because I'm not white, or wearing a hoody, and we have more Oil and Water than we could ever use...…
No, we're proud of not being American. Internationally people actually like us.
The Sega CD was my favourite system growing up pretty much because of Lunar... Eternal Blue was good, but my heart goes to Lunar (sega CD version).
My '09 F350 and the ex's 09 Edge both have it..
I know I really hate this DRM BS... s/c
So last night I have my account and a friends account logged into my Xbox One. I'm playing his purchased game (AC 4). So a couple hours in I notice his account gets logged out of my Xbox as he logs into his... Guess what, I was not booted from his game, or anything of the like, played for another 2 hours.
Have you actually used it. I found it works very very well. Plus its gets a hell of a lot more use than my Resogun console.