
Not when you want Full 1080p, in 3D, on three monitors/tv's...

I believe both viewers get their images in 2d.

A lot of TV's do PiP today... you jsut can have two HD feeds... so if you still have coax cable then it works great.

I'll be on the mountain in 48 hours... Now that seems so far away.

Its good to hear that there is value in the game now. I was a launch day purchaser... And a Launch week unistaller..

Pretty much the same boat as you and with ST:TOR out I only have time for one MMO.

I loved using mine on my Win7 machine. Then the drivers just wouldnt work and I could never get it running again.

Who is pretending? and why?

Your sir are an idiot.

At $1500 I would seriously think about picking this up (I really like their line of products).

Just last night I plugged my PC into my big screen so i could PC game from the couch...


Good to know, though I cant see square doing anything ever again to pique my interest. I own pretty much every FF that was released in NA. After XIII, (and that ill faited XIV MMO), Square will never get another penny out of me.

COD BOPs: Zombie Mode.. Kinder De Toten. (X360)

Thats what I was thinking. The thumb stick just does not work with this MMO, which im sure would work great in most fps's.

I picked this up early last week, thinking it would work great for Star Wars TOR... Boy was I wrong... went back to the KB and it felt so much better. (I love their MMO mouses though, best game accessory purchase ever).

I own AC for the 360. I was going to purchase the rest on the PC. Well, needless to say I really enjoyed AC 1.

This may be a gaming blog, but this post is entertainment. I approve. Its not like I have to click past 100 of these stories to get to one relating to games.

As an owner of a fuel effifent car (2012 Hyandia Veloster), a big gas guzzler truck ('09 F350 Deisel) and a motor cycle (Harley Davidson Softtail) fuel economy, regardless of what your driving is all about, like you said, how you're driving.

The sony HMZT1. I want one, I really do. Since October I have had a grand sitting in my nightsitand for this product. Still cant get one. I've tried many times. Now I've given up.