
THe Demo expired? Wow, thats very shitty of them.

A friend of mine won $1000/week, for 25 years, (in Canada that is TAX FREE MONEY).

walking down the street with one, ya, wtf. On the Ski Hill, snowmobiling, hunting etc etc. great little device, if you care to risk your Iphone.

I finished the main quest line in Skyrim yesterday, close to 50 hours in..

"because some criminal was too stupid or high to be a functioning member of society".

If someone (assumidly bigger and stronger than me, or carrying a gun/knife), broke into our house I would lock myself in a room, let them do their thing, and call the cops. It's pretty much our only (safest) option, everything I own I can rebuy.

"A central Alberta farmer who shot a man stealing his ATV more than two years ago will serve 90 days in jail.

If we started putting these fucking perps away for 20+ years then maybe people will think twice about break and enters (or totdays more PC phrase, Home Invasion).

"The 2D games are, in my opinion, the best of the bunch so far."

If they never disposed of a body chemically then it isn't Breaking Bad, just some fucknut cooking meth.

free marketing?

There I am, climbing high atop a mountain, and the next thing I know a Dragon swooshes in from over head.

You can "see" what a better TV does. A lot of people cant hear the difference high end audio equipment make.

"and you soon pas on to better things". according to the article, thats what people arnt doing.

Maybe next time they talk about a game being in the number three spot player on most used console they wont mention the two games that are above it. Who really cares anyways, its not like thats relative to the context of the article...

Sure the show may have taken a major hit in quality over the years (I actually am enjoying this seaon for the fisrt time in a LONG time). Though that doesnt mean the game will suffer the same fait.

South Park + Video Game = Money.

"At the event, I did get assurances that they plan to support the game post-release with maps and other DLC, and that none of those updates will cost players a cent. Sounds pretty good to me."

It was actually quite funny. It was about 5am, and my buddy dies, I look over (we had two tv's side by side), and he's sleeping sitting up.

Fuck me.