I havent used a Computer since around 1980 or so. I pretty much thought they sucked balls back then?
I havent used a Computer since around 1980 or so. I pretty much thought they sucked balls back then?
It was the account hack/month offline, that (for me at least) killed this game. It had potential, but then got snubbed early on. Needless to say everyone i knew that played it never logged back in after the April attack on Sony.
My understanding was the PS3 version was on the PS3, PC on PC, no interchanging, co-accounts. They are completly different...
This still wont get me to log back on, a boring game is a boring game, imho.
Then dust off your original xbox and lets get on gamespy!
I loved those final stages... maybe it was the shotgun, or the zombie type enemies, or the fact this was be my go to level while on shrooms.
excellent, I loved the worthog in CE.
I think a lot of people hated Gears 2. Which is why they did the Gears 3 beta... which, as a Lover of 1, and a hater of 2, was a great refreshment...
"Burton’s offerings it's hideously overpriced" = Quality.
I was in europe last month and saw quite a few of these... I wish they sold this car in Canada... LOVE IT.
should have picked it up last week, $15 on steam, and i believe that came with most of the DLC..
IF Nin released this for the DS we would cheer. It was released for a electronic game device that was released 5 months ago... 5 months on the market... and now an 'upgrade'.
I have to say, as an owner of all three consoles this gen, and a pretty decent PC rig, I game quite a bit on my little iPad. Sure they might not be "Real Games", but they are games, and I have thoroughly enjoyed a lot of them.
Ghost Recon: AW , Ghost Recon AW 2.
Now by buying that Ubisoft Montreal product, sure the "profits" maybe going to France though by buying that product you are "supporting" that particular developer, Ubisoft Montreal, who based on their success will now not close shop in Canada, and when the time comes they may now hire more people to create an even…
Seinfeld did it!/?
But it was just a clone of him/them that died...
And that has actually saved me once. The week after l4d2 was released i was in a small city wal-mart. All their PC games where 1/2 off. L4D2, 24.99 (canadian). Installed it, loaded it into steam.
Im in the same boat as you. Next gen will be the first gen I dont rush out and purchase every console at launch... I have a strange feeling that the next console I purchase wont event be for me... but for my kids. Shit thats a scary thought.
I wear my perscription glasses under my current 3d glasses (nvidia/samsung), and they work flawlessly. Im sure most perscription glassess will work with this..