
The van Gogh museum is closed in Amsterdam? That is one of the places i was really looking forwad to (actually got a Hotel very close to it) ;(

My wife and I are heading to Europe next week. 16 Days we are there.

If its on the PS3 its going to be shit. MMOFPS for the PC please.

As a Canadian one of the most impressive feats our friends south of the border accomplished was their space program.

When the PS2 came out it was very easy to justify the $800 (ps2, games, controllers etc), because I was (at that point in time) a heavy drinker. A friday or Saturday night our would easily cost upwards of $100.00.

Two Worls 2 ($17), and Fallout New Vegas with all DLC ($22) , and Magika ($3). Good deals for all.

AoC might not have been a huge success, but they did make money. As well, I thoroughly enjoyed it myself.

Im still waiting for Funcom to release Age of Conan on the consoles...

How is Frozen Synapse. It looked cool, and $12 for two copies pretty impressive.

Magika, Two Worlds Two, and FallOut New Vegas... and I know more will be added.

Wait. Its a great game, but isnt it $35 on steam atm.

As a major pot smoker, Meth laws should be life in jail... Ok, maybe not that harsh, but dealing / trafficing meth should be pretty harsh... It's a nastly, deadly, nothing good can come from it, drug.

It's a PC community, they are a 'little more mature", and will help a newb out like you instead of flame you. (as a TF2 newb myself, I was very surprised with how helpfull people were while playing a little over the weekend.)

It's Canada's toughest crime bill in decades that is in front of parliment at the moment, making our justice system a little more American (tougher)..which im not totally against...

A few years ago (2 or 3), our government drafted "Mandatory Minimum" legislation for child porn. IF you are caught with 1 pic the MINIMUM is 1 year, no if ands or buts, no deals, pleas, community service... etc. MINIMUM 1 year in jail.

It's the best country in North America!

There are mandatory minimum for child porn... If this goes through as child porn he is fucked, no way around it. mandatory minimums are Mandatory.

o/t: for your Avatar Pic... deja entendu is the second greatest album ever... after "Devil and god are raging inside me".

@Buzzword33: A lot of PC games use the Xbox controller.. so that may be why.

@dead_alewives: Their shit isn't as shitty as it used to be...